7 Best Couples Devotionals to Bless Your Marriage
Looking for the best couples devotional for your Christian marriage? Reading couples devotionals is a wonderful way for married couples to grow closer to God (and to build a strong marriage).
My husband and I learned a long time ago how much we need to make couples devotions a habit–especially because we are in the thick of the exhilarating-but-exhausting parenting years.
Marriage devotionals give us great insight, perspective and wisdom. Best of all, reading couples devotions together get us in God's word together (which always changes us for the better!).
If you're looking to grow closer to your spouse and to be the best wife or husband that you can be, check out these 8 incredible couples devotionals, including our pick for the best couples devotional overall.
Why Every Marriage Needs a Good Couples Devotional
As Christian couples, we need to regularly invest in our marriages. Our marriages are being attacked daily, and we must intentionally choose to invest in our marriage relationships in order to keep our family units strong!
My husband and I have found that reading these couples devotionals together (even if it's only once a week) has kept our marriage healthy and united–even through some incredibly difficult life circumstances such as chronic illness and job loss.
In short, these best of the best couples devotionals have helped us to keep the faith during hard times.
P.S. Maybe you're thinking “Sounds great, but we're already too busy. We just can't add in a regular couples devotions time.”
Listen, with two careers, four kids, and all kinds of extra responsibilities, my husband and I get it! And that's why I wrote this post on how to make couples devotions a reality (even if your lives are incredibly busy).
I promise–there's no guilt here… just real solutions from another Christian married couple that gets it!
Our Vote for Best Couples Devotional
All you really need is a Bible and each other to do couples devotions.
But if you'd like some great wisdom for spiritual growth in your marriage (including a proven, 30-day roadmap to better marriage communication), I highly encourage you to check out our pick for best couples devotional: Consecrated Conversations from Mike and Carlie Kercheval.
This awesome couples devotional from my dear friends (and marriage coaches) Mike + Carlie Kercheval goes deep on important topics that matter to Christian couples (everything from forgiveness to communication issues to sex). I love that it's goal is to help you create the healthy habit of better marriage communication in 30 days or less!
This best-selling couples devotional has helped over 16,000 couples build a better marriage!
The Kerchevals, certified marriage coaches, Bible teachers and an awesome married couple of over 21 years, will introduce you to a 30 day, step-by-step proven process for learning:
- how to pray together as a couple
- how to read the Bible as a couple
- how to better communicate about important marriage issues
With three sections in each devotion (including a Bible verse, “Converse & Reflect” questions, and a sample prayer), this marriage resource encourages couples to discover intimacy in marriage like never before.
Consecrated Conversations is a digital resource, which means my husband and I don't need to carry a book around because we have this powerful couples devotional available right on our phones or tablets. Yes!
And there's a bonus video workshop ($97 value!) and 30 scripture cards ($17 value) to go with the devotional!
I love how practical this couples devotional is, and how Mike and Carlie really encourage couples to invite God into their marriage discussions. Only God is the one that can bring true satisfaction, contentment and unity in marriage, right?
I also appreciate that Consecrated Conversations understands the big needs of Christian couples: that we want to communicate and connect with our spouses and we're disappointed and hurt that we can't seem to make it happen. Consecrated Conversations is a specific, proven roadmap for a closer marriage for Christian couples.
I highly recommend this marriage devotional to many couples as the best couples devotional out there! Order your copy here.
P.S. Did I mention that this couples devotional experience (that includes an e-book, a video workshop, and scripture cards) is an INSANE value?! It's only $47 for $161 worth of content.
Seriously, the Consecrated Conversations Devotional is an amazing bible study experience to do with your spouse! What are you waiting for?
6 Other Awesome Couples Devotionals to Grow Your Marriage
As I shared above, Consecrated Conversations is my #1 choice for a couples devotional, but here are some other good options for couples devotionals:
Closer: 52 Devotions to Draw Couples Together
Closer: 52 Devotions to Draw Couples Together
This couples devotional has been such a blessing to us!
My husband and I like to read this couples devotional on Sundays in our porch swing before we pray for our upcoming week.
I love how “Closer” focuses on helping couples develop spiritual conversations and connections that strengthen marriages. Jim and Cathy Burns encourage grace and a “just-keep-going-even-if-you-skip-a-week” perspective throughout this marriage devotional that keeps it do-able.
Night Light: A Devotional for CouplesNight Light: A Devotional for Couples
This couples devotional, written by Dr. James and Shirley Dobson, is a classic.
We've used this marriage devotional on and off over the years and found good solid wisdom in its pages. This was especially helpful to us in the beginning of our marriage, but it contains lots of great encouragement for every couple.
The Love Dare Day by Day: A Year of Devotions for Couples
The Love Dare Day By Day: A Year of Devotions for Couples
My husband and I really enjoyed The Love Dare, and this book by Stephen Kendrick is an excellent follow-up book.
What I really like about this devotional is that it takes the challenge beyond a short “dare” to learning how to choose to love our spouse everyday.
This couples devotional is a wonderful way to grow closer to your spouse!
Devotions for a Sacred Marriage: A Year of Weekly Devotions for Couples
Devotions for a Sacred Marriage
This is another excellent couples devotional!
In this year of weekly devotions, Gary Thomas, the author of Sacred Marriage, shows us how to have a marriage built around God's priorities. I love how these devotions expand on Thomas' idea that marriage is meant to make us more holy than happy.
If you loved Thomas' book Sacred Marriage then this is a great follow-up with a year's worth of practical marriage advice to strengthen your relationship.
The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional (The One Year Signature Series)
The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional
Gary Chapman's Love Language books have been groundbreaking in helping couples (and parents) learn how to best love a family member. Understanding the love languages has really helped us as a couple discover the best ways to show each other love.
This daily couples devotional offers quick insight into how to apply those principles to everyday married life. Check it out!
This daily devotional for couples encourages husbands and wives to take a few minutes alone together each day and to connect through the Bible.
The devotions are designed to help couples not only grow closer together spiritually, but to grow closer to God individually and to trust God in new ways in a marriage.
We recommend this couples devotional for any couples looking to strengthen their relationship.
I know you'll love these best of the best couples devotionals, especially our favorite: Consecrated Conversations ! Check them out!
Other Posts About Christian Couples Devotionals & Growing a Strong Marriage
- How to Make a Couples Devotional a Regular Part of Your Marriage
- Why a Daily Check-In Makes All the Difference in Our Marriage
- The Surprising Secret to Better Sex in Christian Marriage
- How Ongoing Marriage Issues Can Grow Your Relationship (with God + Your Spouse)
- Romantic Love Quotes to Share with Your Spouse
- 8 Bible Verses About Love in Marriage
- 130 Cute Ways to Say I Love You to Your Spouse
- 8 Conversation Starters for Couples