I used to lose myself in an endless downward spiral of negative thoughts. Alicia has taught me how to identify the beginning of those spirals much earlier + has given me so many awesome ways to manage my anxiety in a healthy way.
- Ginger S.

I now have a profound sense of peace. Because of the mindset exercises Alicia taught me I feel unyoked from the slavery of anxiety. I’m now in a position to tell my anxiety ’no’ when I feel it rise up, and give it back to God."
–Kate L.

All of her resources were so powerful! They really helped me relate to God’s truth much more personally + internalize the message that He's in control.
–Stacy R.

I have been so blessed by Alicia’s resources as they have helped me to recognize God's hand in my life and release my fears. His word is now ingrained much deeper in my life.