This 5-day Bible study journal uses the trademarked 5Rs Bible Study™ Method (a simple 3-step method to grow closer to God in 10 minutes a day) to help you find biblical answers to questions like these about thankfulness and gratitude:
- What does it mean to live a thankful life?
- How can we be thankful when there is so much suffering?
- How does thanks giving connect us with creation (and God Himself)?
- Why is giving thanks and important part of our relationship with God?
- How can we give thanks when life is difficult and we don't feel thankful?

Hey there! I’m Alicia, and as a Bible teacher + certified life coach, I'm passionate about equipping women with the practical tools + heartfelt encouragement needed to grow closer to God.
I've been married to my best friend for almost 20 years, and we live in Southern California with our 4 kiddos (ages 17 to 8). My happy place? Cuddled up with a good book, a cup of strong tea (Chocolate Peppermint, please!) in the middle of my garden with my two faithful Labs at my feet.
I’ve helped thousands find new joy + freedom in their relationship with God through my 5Rs Bible Study™ Method... and I want to teach you this powerful way to connect with God!
The Giving Thanks 5Rs Bible Study™ Method is a 5-day Bible study journal on thankfulness that uses the 5Rs Bible Study™ Method to connect with God everyday through a five-step Bible study approach:
READ the verse
REWRITE the verse from your favorite translation
RESTATE the verse in your own words
RELATE the verse to how you've seen this true in your life
RESPOND to the verse, asking, "how can I apply this truth to my life today?"
By using the simple-yet-powerful 5Rs Bible Study Method, you'll be able to deeply connect with God in around 10 minutes a day. It's the perfect resource for families who want to learn about the power of thankfulness during the fall season or any time of the year.
The 5Rs Bible Study™ Method is one of the best ways to study the Bible effectively because it gives a simple, step-by-step way for anyone to understand and apply any scripture.
We call this easy Bible study method the “5 Rs” because it consists of five steps that all start with the letter "R": Read, Rewrite, Restate, Relate and Respond.
Let's take a look at this simple Bible study method in action using Psalm 34:4-5.
Step 1: READ the verse(s).
Read Psalm 34:4-5.
Step 2: REWRITE the verse(s).
Copy the entire verse (as its written in that translation). Here's Psalm 34:4-5 as written in the New Living Translation:
"I prayed to the Lord and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces."
Step 3: RESTATE the Bible verse.
Write down the verse again, but this time, write it in your own words.
Here's an example:
"I cried out to God and He heard my cry and responded. He took all my fears away. Everyone who calls to Him for help with their troubles will have spirits that are full of joy; they will not be weighed down by shame or guilt."
Step 4: RELATE the verse(s) to your life.
Ask yourself questions like: "What does this truth remind me of in my own life? How have I seen it to be true of myself, people I know, or of a Bible character?"
Here's an example of what could be written for these verses:
"There have been so many times that I've cried out to God and He's rescued me! I love that when He rescues us it's always done in a way that's best for us and may not necessarily be comfortable for us. He loves us so much that He's willing to walk us through any hard situation, and He gives us the strength to endure it."
Step 5: RESPOND to the verse(s).
Lastly, ask yourself: "Now that I know this truth, how will I live differently today?"
Here's a sample response:
"Knowing that God is with me brings great clarity and comfort. Sometimes in the midst of a trial it's easy to think that God hasn't heard my cries or that He doesn't care. And yet, today, as I think about those things that are challenging me, I feel peace because I can confidently know that He has heard my cry and that He is 'working all things out for my good' (Romans 8:28). I can continue to persevere and to be strong!"
Easy peasy, right? The 5Rs Bible Study™ Method makes it simple to understand and apply Bible verses to your life so that you can grow closer to God in only a few minutes a day.
The 5Rs are pretty self-explanatory (and each journal includes detailed instructions on how to complete each step of the 5Rs). But if for any reason you get stuck, you can email us at hello@5RsBiblestudy.com and we're happy to help.
This is a DIGITAL PDF product. This journal is a full-color editable PDF, meaning that you can type your answers directly into the journal. Or, you may choose to print out the journal and hand-write your answers.
Although the journal is full color, you can choose to print it in black and white should you prefer to save on printing.
We've chosen a digital format for two reasons:
First, a digital format allows families and ministries to purchase a license so that they can print as many copies as they need, thereby saving them money.
Second, a digital format allows those who live outside the US (approximately 35% of the 5Rs users) to receive the 5Rs resources, regardless of where they live.
Absolutely! We’ve created the 5Rs Bible Study™ Journals to be flexible enough to work for anyone who would like to grow closer to God in a few minutes a day, whether they are a child or an adult.
Of course it depends on each child’s maturity and reading/comprehension abilities, but the 5Rs Bible Study™ Journals are a great Bible time tool for kids ages 8 and up.
Many parents have their kids complete their 5Rs Bible Study™Journal as part of a daily Bible time, and then meet as a family to review that day's concepts.
We have many school teachers (both traditional and homeschool teachers) and children's ministry leaders who use the 5Rs Bible Study™ resources to help their students learn how to read and study the Bible.
In addition, adults can use these resources for individual Bible time or as part of a group or family study.
Many use the 5Rs Bible Study™ Journals as part of a women's Bible study or for a small group study. The possibilities are endless!
IMPORTANT: The regular license is designed for individual and family use only. If you would like to use the 5Rs in a church, school, small group or other ministry setting, please purchase the Church/Ministry License HERE. Thank you for your integrity in purchasing the license that works best for your needs and for not sharing this resource illegally.
Because this is a digital product and you are given immediate access to the digital download at purchase, there are no refunds.
You will receive a link to a digital file upon purchase. You will have access to these materials as long as you have the link.
The 5Rs Bible Study™ Method itself is a trademarked and protected Bible study method that cannot be used in any other Bible study, teaching, online publication, video, or social media platform without express written permission.
However, we’ve created the 5Rs Bible Study™ Journals so that churches, schools and other ministries have practical tools for sharing the power of the 5Rs Bible Study™ Method with others!
If you’d like to use the 5Rs resources in a ministry setting, CLICK HERE to access a special church/ministry license for all 5Rs resources which allows you to print as many copies as you need for your ministry use.
We offer two digital licenses for the 5Rs products so that these materials can be used in both a home setting and a ministry setting.
Those who purchase the Individual/Family license can print as many copies as they need for their immediate family; while those who purchase the Church/Ministry License can print as many copies as they need for their ministry use (including Christian schools).
Please click here to purchase the Individual/Family License.
Please click here to purchase the Church/Ministry License.