Terms + Conditions

Terms + Conditions

As a participant in the Christian Mindset Makeover™ Course and/or the Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit, the Onward + Upward Collective and/or a Vibrant Christian Living coaching program including the Onward + Upward Collective with Coaching Support (all an offering of Vibrant Christian Living LLC) I agree to the following:
I understand that, if I am working through severe trauma or have unresolved severe trauma in my past, neither the Christian Mindset Makeover™ nor the Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit, nor the Onward + Upward Collective nor the Vibrant Christian Living membership programs and coaching support including the Emotional Confidence Club are counseling programs and are not designed to help participants fully address and heal from deep trauma. Course materials, teachings and any coaching are not intended to diagnose any mental disorders or conditions. Although this material is not taught by a counselor, therapist or medical professional, this material is taught by an ICF-certified Christian life coach (ACC, CPLC) and certified NeuroCoach™ who has successfully worked with hundreds of women in regards to mindset issues for over 7 years. Materials are based on her professional training, client work and other scientific and biblical resources as referenced in the course. I understand that neither the Christian Mindset Makeover™ nor the Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit nor the Onward + Upward Collective nor the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs or memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club is not medical advice, and that these programs are intended for those who consider themselves emotionally stable and able to work through negative thought patterns and emotions without bringing harm to themselves or others. I understand that should I feel emotionally triggered, unsafe to myself or others, or become concerned about my mental health in any way by any coaching, course materials or as a result of what is discovered via any live teaching materials (Facebook group, Zoom calls, email interactions) that it is my responsibility to contact the appropriate medical authorities or law enforcement personnel.
I understand that neither the Christian Mindset Makeover™ nor the Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit nor the Onward + Upward Collective nor the Vibrant Christian Living memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club is a traditional coaching program and that I will not receive traditional, private coaching services as part of the course. I understand that the Christian Mindset Makeover™ is a 9-part course based on proven neurologic and scriptural truth and intended to teach specific mindset tools to identify, address and work through negative thinking patterns such as perfectionism, overthinking, worry, shame and being enough. I understand that the Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit contains a Bible study, video training and proven mindset exercises based on brain science to create a custom action plan to break free from anxiety for more calm and peace. I understand that the Onward + Upward Collective is a Christ-centered community for women navigating new beginnings, creating new routines, or chasing divine dreams offering the accountability, personalized support + encouragement they need to boldly pursue God's good plans. I understand that the Emotional Confidence Club is a membership based community for women looking to implement Bible-and-science-based emotional management principles.
I understand that the information in the Christian Mindset Makeover™, the Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit, the Onward + Upward Collective and the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs and memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club are presented from a biblical perspective; that the information will be taught by a certified Christian life coach and certified NeuroCoach™; and that Bible verses and scriptural principles will be used in harmony with neurological truth to convey mindset principles.
I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during the Christian Mindset Makeover™ and/or Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit and/or the Onward + Upward Collective and the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs and memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club, including all my choices and decisions both inside and outside of any sessions, groups, calls or exercises, including both live course material and on-demand materials. If at any time during the time using the the Christian Mindset Makeover™ and/or Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit and/or the Onward + Upward Collective and the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs and memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club I find myself under the care of a medical doctor, therapist, counselor, holistic practitioner for any health or medical condition, I agree to faithfully follow the recommended medical treatments, medicines, and best practices of these medical professionals for this/these medical condition(s). In addition, I promise that if I am currently in therapy or otherwise under the care of a mental health professional, that I have consulted with this person regarding the advisability of working through the mindset materials in this program and that this person is aware of my decision to proceed with the the Christian Mindset Makeover™ and/or Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit and/or the Onward + Upward Collective and the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs and memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club.
I understand that should the tools used in the the Christian Mindset Makeover™ and/or Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit and/or the Onward + Upward Collective and the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs and memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club reveal deeper psychological wounds to be addressed then I will seek appropriate help from the appropriate trained medical professional and/or mental health professional and that this program’s intention is not to provide this type of one-on-one healing. I will not hold Alicia Michelle, Vibrant Christian Coaching or Vibrant Christian Living LLC liable in any way for the ramifications of any information, thought processes, memories or traumas revealed through this mindset training, and that to the best of my knowledge I am entering this program as a healthy, emotionally stable individual. Should I feel myself at risk of hurting myself or others or in other physical danger I agree to contact the appropriate medical or law enforcement professionals as appropriate for my area and to release Alicia Michelle, Vibrant Christian Coaching and Vibrant Christian Living LLC from any liability or responsibility for my actions or that of others against me. Along with utilizing my own personal resources (including local medical/law enforcement professionals; local public health agencies and ministries; personal friends and family; pastors and church staff members; counselors, therapists, other coaches) I am also agreeing to be made aware of these additional resources as potential sources of help should I feel at risk:
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-4673
National Domestic Violence Support Hotline: 800-799-SAFE
Substance Abuse and Medical Health Services Administration National Helpline: 800-662-HELP
I understand that the above are resources based in the United States. Should I reside outside the United States, I understand that I can contact the appropriate list of additional international resources on suicide prevention found at this link. I understand that all resources listed here are simply potential tools for me to engage with at my own discretion, risk and potential expense, and I agree to not hold Alicia Michelle, Vibrant Christian Coaching and Vibrant Christian Living LLC liable for any interactions I may have with these resources or outside agencies.
Additional resources (such as books or courses) may be recommended or quoted from as part of coaching or course materials. I understand that these resources are not necessary as part of the course but I may choose to interact with them at my own discretion. I agree to hold Alicia Michelle and Vibrant Christian Living LLC not liable or responsible for any interactions I have with these materials.
Should it become necessary for me to speak to a counselor to process past or present trauma or to deal with any mental or physical health issues that are outside the scope of this course as outlined, I understand that I will discontinue the use of course materials until advisable by a mental health professional. Should I need additional mental health resources I understand that I can choose my own mental/medical health professional as necessary at my own expense, or I can contact Better Help online counseling service at my own expense to work with a licensed counselor at this link. I understand that Alicia Michelle, Vibrant Christian Coaching and Vibrant Christian Living LLC have an affiliate relationship with Better Help and may receive affiliate compensation (at no cost to me) should I choose to work with one of their counselors by contacting Better Help at the above link. I understand that these resources have been verified by Alicia Michelle, Vibrant Christian Coaching and Vibrant Christian Living LLC as a helpful counseling resource but that Alicia Michelle, Vibrant Christian Coaching and Vibrant Christian Living LLC will not be held liable in any way for any interactions, services or experiences I may choose to partake in as a client of Better Help.
I understand that the type of lasting mindset change I’m looking for may not be fully reached during the limited time of this course, coaching or program(s) and that this course, coaching or program’s goal is to present the tools necessary for change but that lasting change requires ongoing progress and work in these areas which is a life-long journey. I understand that I am being given mindset tools to overcome negative thought patterns but that thought management is an ongoing process that I am responsible for. I understand that managing negative thoughts, working through emotions, and creating new brain patterns is not always a linear process and that these are process unique to each individual.
I understand that each individual will have a different experience in the the Christian Mindset Makeover™ and/or Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit and/or the Onward + Upward Collective and the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs and memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club based on their unique mindset patterns and background, level of participation and decision to apply the truths presented. I understand that although the the Christian Mindset Makeover™ and/or Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit and/or the Onward + Upward Collective and the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs and memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club will provide quality, biblically-and-scientifically-based mindset training , I agree that I am ultimately responsible for my own transformation in my ability to manage my thoughts and create new perspectives. I agree that I am 100 percent responsible for my own mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health while engaging in the course materials, whether those are coaching sessions, live teachings, the Facebook group materials, Voxer communication, community chat, Bible study materials, journaling questions, on-demand course materials or any other materials associated with my specific course, coaching or membership participation, and I fully release Alicia Michelle, Vibrant Christian Coaching and Vibrant Christian Living LLC from any responsibility, liability or harm that comes from my choices, thoughts or actions to myself or others.
As a participant in the the Christian Mindset Makeover™ and/or Calm Your Anxiety Mindset Tool Kit and/or the Onward + Upward Collective and the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs and memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club, I agree that I am automatically bound to the above statements and agree to abide by them as a contractual condition of purchase. I understand that if I have any questions about this information I can send my questions to hello@aliciamichelle.com.
For Participants of the Calm Your Anxiety Tool Kit Only:
I understand that the Calm Your Anxiety Tool Kit is open to women or men 18 years of age or older. Should I be younger than 18 I understand that I will be not allowed to participate in the Calm Your Anxiety Tool Kit and my payment will be refunded and my access immediately revoked.
I understand that because the Calm Your Anxiety Tool Kit is a digital product and I have immediate access to all materials upon purchase that there are no refunds. I will be sure to ask all questions before purchasing, including reaching out to email hello@vibrantchristianliving.com if my question is not answered on the sales page.
I agree to not share access to the portal resources, Zoom calls, Facebook group, Voxer threads or any other assets of the Calm Your Anxiety Tool Kit with any other person (including another person in my family) as a condition of purchase. I understand that I may not reproduce, share or communicate in any way (whether online or offline, written or verbal) any ideas, course content (words, images, videos, screenshots, or any other ideas or content) or other associated materials. I understand that I am purchasing access to these materials for personal use only within my home and will not use them with anyone else, including in a church, ministry, small group, Bible study, mentoring or any other public or private use.
I do understand that, while each individual will have a different experience based on their unique mindset patterns + background, if I watch all the teachings, complete the exercises + practice what we teach in the tool kit I will see transformation in my ability to manage my anxious thoughts.
Because the Calm Your Anxiety Tool Kit is a digital product and participants are given immediate access to all materials there are no refunds.
For Participants of the Christian Mindset Makeover™ Only:
I understand that as a Christian Mindset Makeover™ course purchaser I will have forever access to the teaching materials inside the the Christian Mindset Makeover™, including all pre-recorded video teaching and homework content as found inside the portal. This means that I can complete these materials at my own pace and on my own time.
I understand that as a Christian Mindset Makeover™ course purchaser I will receive 16 weeks access to the live support portion of the course which includes access to twice-a-month Zoom calls, private Facebook group and email support from Alicia for help with brain priming. I understand that my participation in these services is entirely optional and must be used within the 16-week period immediately following my enrollment in the course. I understand that should I desire additional live support in this manner than I can purchase additional live support (known as the "live support add-on") at a later time.
I understand that the Christian Mindset Makeover™ is only open to women 18 years or older in order to help course participants feel more comfortable in sharing about potentially sensitive topics that may come up as part of course material. I understand that if I am a woman under 18 or a man of any age and I choose to sign up for the course I will have my course dues refunded.
Although course materials are based on scientific and biblical principles, I understand that I am given a full 14 days from time of purchase to view course content and that if should I determine that the Christian Mindset Makeover™ is not a good fit for me, I can request a full refund as long as its within those first 14 days of purchase. I understand that it is my responsibility to take those first 14 days to decide if this material is not a fit for me, and that no refund will be given outside of this window of 14 days of purchase.
I understand that any information I provide about myself to the course guide (Alicia Michelle) through the Facebook Group, email or through other correspondence such as Zoom meetings will be kept strictly confidential unless the coach states otherwise, in writing, except as required by law.
I agree to not share access to the portal resources, Zoom calls, Facebook group or any other assets of the Christian Mindset Makeover™ with any other person (including another person in my family) as a condition of purchase. I understand that I may not reproduce, share or communicate in any way (whether online or offline, written or verbal) any ideas, course content (words, images, videos, screenshots, or any other ideas or content) or other associated materials. I understand that I am purchasing access to these materials for personal use only within my home and will not use them with anyone else, including in a church, ministry, small group, Bible study, mentoring or any other public or private use.
I agree to hold any and all information that may be revealed by other participants within the Christian Mindset Makeover™ private Facebook Group or through other Christian Mindset Makeover™ correspondence such as Zoom meetings as strictly confidential and private. I agree to respect the confidentiality of the group and to not disclose the names, locations or any other information about the other group participants that may be revealed during any group interactions.
I understand that the Christian Mindset Makeover™ is only open to women 18 years of age or older. Should I be of a different gender or be younger than 18 I understand that I will be not allowed to participate in the course and my course payment will be refunded and my access to all materials and aspects of the program will be immediately terminated.
I understand that I have forever access to teaching materials in this course (all pre-recorded video and homework). I understand that I have 16 weeks access to the live portion of this course (Zoom calls, email support from Alicia and access to private Facebook group) that begins from the moment of when I sign up for the course and that I am responsible for watching any Zoom calls, asking any questions and participating the group during that time. I understand that I can purchase additional live support at a later time should I find it helpful. I also understand that I can apply for 1:1 coaching with Alicia for an additional fee should I prefer a 1:1 experience or need additional support. I understand that at the end of my 16-week period I will be removed from all live interactions including access to the Facebook group, email access to questions to be answered by Alicia, and access to the Zoom calls or any other live interactions with Alicia.
For Participants of the the Onward + Upward Collective and the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs and memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club:
I understand that the Onward + Upward Collective and the Vibrant Christian Living coaching programs and memberships including the Emotional Confidence Club are only open to women 18 years of age or older. Should I be of a different gender or be younger than 18 I understand that I will be not allowed to participate in the services and my course payment will be refunded and my access to all materials and aspects of the program will be immediately terminated. I understand that as a participant in the Onward + Upward Collective or Emotional Confidence Club I can cancel my membership at any time unless I have made a commitment for a specific number of months. I understand that should I cancel I will immediately be removed from all live interactions including access to any Voxer threads, community groups, email access to questions to be answered by Alicia, and access to the Zoom calls or any other live interactions with Alicia as outlined in the course materials and contract. I will also be removed from accessing any other materials in the Collective in the portal, including recordings, Bible study materials and journaling exercises.
I also understand that I can apply for 1:1 coaching with Alicia for an additional fee should I desire. I understand that if I choose to upgrade to this coaching support level that I will continue to have access to Collective or membership materials and also receive 1:1 coaching sessions as outlined in my offer at checkout. I understand that these coaching sessions are pre-paid and not refundable. I also agree to commit to 6 months of coaching support should I decide to opt-into this level of the Onward + Upward Collective or the Emotional Confidence Club.
I agree to not share access to the portal resources, community access, Zoom calls, Voxer threads, or any other assets of the coaching or coaching program with any other person (including another person in my family) as a condition of purchase. I understand that I may not reproduce, share or communicate in any way (whether online or offline, written or verbal) any ideas, course content (words, images, videos, screenshots, or any other ideas or content) or other associated materials. I understand that I am purchasing access to these materials for personal use only within my home and will not use them with anyone else, including in a church, ministry, small group, Bible study, mentoring or any other public or private use.
As a member of the Onward + Upward Collective and/or Emotional Confidence Club, I agree to hold any and all information that may be revealed by other participants within the meeting times, community group, Voxer threads, or other correspondence as strictly confidential and private. I agree to respect the confidentiality of the group and to not disclose the names, locations or any other information about the other group participants that may be revealed during any group interactions.
I understand that any information I provide about myself to the coach and course guide (Alicia Michelle) through email or through other correspondence such as Zoom meetings, community group/chat or Voxer groups will be kept strictly confidential unless the coach states otherwise, in writing, except as required by law.
As outlined in the coaching contract, I understand that all coaching sessions are paid for in advance, and there are no refunds for any coaching sessions or programs, whether all sessions were completed or not and that it is the client's (my) responsibility to book all sessions within the outlined timeframe on the coaching contract.