121: Finding Spiritual Rest + Sabbath When You’re Stuck in Overfunction with Deanna Mason
What does spiritual rest or sabbath rest look like, and how can we give ourselves permission to embrace God’s gift of rest, set boundaries around our schedules, and seek sabbath rest without any guilt, shame, or fear?
Today on the podcast my friend Deanna Mason and I are talking about how to create a lifestyle of soul rest—this is the deep kind of sabbath rest that we’re all desperate for but feels just out of reach. Deanna shares about the different types of rest and why understand each of these types of rest can help us practice sabbath rest as defined in the Bible.
Sabbath rest is a wonderful gift of God, and Deanna and I are passionate about helping others discover how to rest.
But as overfunctioners and high achievers, both Deanna and I of have struggled with what it means to work hard as part of our godly calling and also make sabbath rest a priority, so if you struggle in this area, our stories today will encourage you that you’re not alone!
Yes, finding rest in a busy world is possible! Join us as we talk about practical biblical tips for finding rest in every season of life.
Deanna Mason is a rest consultant for mom entrepreneurs. As the host of the Refreshed Moms Podcast Deanna helps mom leaders consistently nurture their faith, enjoy consistent opportunities for rest and generate consistent revenue. Deanna is also the host of the Refreshed Moms Mini-Sabbatical for Mom Leaders. Learn more about Deanna at DeannaMason.com.
NEXT STEPS: Discover Sabbath Rest at the Refreshed Moms Mini-Sabbatical October 15-18
Are you frustrated that spiritual rest seems to come last in your life as you prioritize the needs of your children and/or work?
Do you long to take a deep exhale as you replenish your soul with Sabbath rest that restores your body, your emotions and your spirit?
Then you’ve got to join us for the Refreshed Moms Mini-Sabbatical October 15-18.

This is the #1 virtual experience designed to help mom leaders enjoy rest away from work and kids in order to reconnect with God and renew themselves spiritually. And I (Alicia Michelle) am honored to be one of the speakers!
Since this is a virtual event, you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to access the sessions. However, participants are encouraged to spend 3 nights away from home (whether that’s at a local hotel or one across the country) so that you can truly escape and return home refreshed.

Join us and let this amazing sabbath-rest-focused mini sabbatical experience refill your cup as you re-direct your heart towards God!
Plus, now through July 13, you can take $100 off with the special promo code exclusively for Vibrant Christian Living Podcast listeners: VCL100