117: Time for a Mindset Makeover to Renew Your Thoughts
Other Podcast Episodes on How to Renew Your Thoughts
- Ep 61A: Help! I Need a New Mindset + a New Attitude
- Ep 62: Breaking the “What If?” Worry Cycle
- Ep 113: Mindset Matters: Why Renewing Your Mind Matters
- Ep 114: Mindset Matters: 7 Weapons of Warfare to Renew Your Mind
- Ep 115: Mindset Matters: How to Stop Overthinking Everything
- Ep 116: Mindset Matters: What Is Mindfulness and Is Mindfulness Appropriate for Christians?
NEXT STEPS: Get the Practical Mindset Tools You Need to Renew Your Thoughts with the Christian Mindset Makeover Course
Struggle with anxiety, worry and the inner critic? Need help with overthinking or perfectionism?
Tired of being trapped by negative thoughts (that you know aren't true but you can't seem to get rid of)?
If you're ready to learn proven mindset tools to renew your mind and overcome negative thought patterns (based on the Bible and the latest neuroscience research), then you need to join us for the Christian Mindset Makeover™! The Christian Mindset Makeover™ is a 9-week boot camp course for Christian women who have been stuck in negative thought spirals and want practical, applicable mindset tools (based on science and the Bible) to renew their mind and create new thought patterns that bring peace, confidence, joy and hope.
Friend, you don't have to be held back by negative thought patterns like comparison, shame, condemnation, overthinking, anxiety, or fear any more!
In this 9-week Christian mindset “boot camp” I'll teach you the life-changing, practical skills you need to notice your thoughts, capture any thoughts that don't line up with God's truth and rewire your thoughts using the latest brain science techniques (previously only taught in my coaching programs)!
Imagine how your life (and your relationships) could dramatically change if you were able to take control of your thoughts!
You will walk away from this course confident, strong and feeling victorious over those old ways of thinking that kept you from feeling your best and living God's best plan for you.
Join us today for the Christian Mindset Makeover so you can get the tools you need to cultivate a renewed mind, more peaceful thoughts and a life lived from the power of God's promises.