250: What Character Trait Would Make Your Current Life Season Easier?
Have you ever thought about how developing different character traits could make your current life transition easier? The traits we have ingrained in us are automatic responses, which can save us time and energy. Join me today as I talk about four different character traits with practical examples of how they can help us, why we need to be mindful of our thoughts, and how we can develop new character traits.
Want to work on building different Christian character traits with 1:1 support? If so, apply now for the The Onward + Upward Group Coaching Program – spots are limited
- [02:32] Let’s Navigate Lifestyle Change Well in the Onward + Upward Collective!
- [05:15] Allow God to Transform the Way You Think
- [07:05] Character Traits are a Repeated Set of Actions That Have Been Ingrained in Us
- [10:05] Four Different Character Traits That Can Help You in a Life Transition
- [13:45] How Can We Start to Develop New Character Traits?
[02:32] Let’s Navigate Lifestyle Change Well in the Onward + Upward Collective!
The Onward + Upward Collective is a program for women who are looking to navigate change well in their lives. They may want to make a lifestyle change, such as setting boundaries or establishing rest rhythms. Or they be asking God “who am I now?” as they embark on a new season of life, such as an empty nest. Onward + Upward is also for the woman that wants to go for a big dream such as running a marathon, writing a book, or starting a coaching business. It is for the woman looking for practical ways to go deeper with the Lord and figure out who you are again. I love helping women face their mindset issues by using brain science and the Bible together to transition well through life change.
In the current cohort of the program, we recently talked about character traits. Every month we go into key obstacles using the bible and brain science, one-on-one coaching, and group discussions to help us overcome them. I talked in depth about Onward and Upward Collective in Episode 248 so if you are interested in learning more about it, tune into that episode. The next cohort starts in April but if we are past that, feel free to apply and we can let you know when the next time we’re opening again!
I know it is challenging to develop character traits alone, but that is why we have community and coaching programs like Onward and Upward. God did not design us to do things without community support. I encourage you to apply now here. If you have an inkling in your heart that God has more for you in your life, please apply now for this program – spots are limited!
[05:15] 2 Bible Verses: Allow God to Transform the Way You Think
I shared two Bible verses in Onward and Upward that I wanted to share here to help us reflect on developing character traits.
Romans 12:2 says, “Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person, by changing the way you think, then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” We need to worship God by letting our bodies (heart, mind, will, every part of us) be a living and holy sacrifice. To be able to do this, we have to allow God insight into what is going on with us.
This is where Psalm 139 comes in, “search me God, know my heart, test me know my anxious thoughts when anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” We have to understand that to get to the path of everlasting life we have to be searched by God first. This takes a willingness to be tested and then a willingness to listen and make a change.
Change itself comes from our thoughts because any action that we take is caused by a decision that we made and that decision is caused by a belief that we have. So if we circle back, our beliefs are caused by the thoughts that have been repeated over and over. If we want to change an action, we have to start with our thoughts!
[07:05] Character Traits are a Repeated Set of Actions That Have Been Ingrained in Us
Our character is a repeated set of actions that have been ingrained in us, making them habitual actions. The beautiful thing about this is that whenever we have a character trait embedded within us, it becomes an automatic response to how we show up in a situation. We do not have to think about it which saves us time and energy. So in Romans 12:2, they talked about not being conformed by how other people respond but being shaped by God and knowing what He has in store for us. We need to trust God and have a willingness to be searched to be transformed.
I was recently volunteering as part of the connection crew at a convention. My job was to connect people and make sure that everyone was happy with what was going on. I could still hear the voice inside of me saying “You cannot do that, it’s weird, they aren’t going to like you.” This required me to acknowledge that voice but step out of my comfort zone and be brave because it was what I was asked to do. Over a few days, I found that once I got into that mode, that character trait was built up in me enough to where I was confident to do it.
[10:05] Four Different Character Traits That Help for a Life Transition
When we look at character traits, we want to ask ourselves which ones would make the transformation that we are desiring happen. I am going to give you four different examples but there are many beyond these.
One character trait that could help is perseverance. This means taking the first step and having the willingness to take steps afterwards. Then when we think about a specific character trait, we want to think about what the action step could look like. For this example, to persevere we need to have discipline, organization, patience, and trust in the process.
Another character trait could be a surrendered heart. We could be in a situation that we are not happy with but we are surrendering to God. This action would be obedience, waiting expectantly, and trusting God.
The character trait I was working on at the convention was boldness. This action step would be obedience to speak up, taking action, not being afraid, and moving through that fear as it comes up. We can ask God for the next steps and live in the place of moving forward even if we do not have the whole picture.
Lastly, another character trait could be self-control. If we are trying to work through something specific, like a transformation or a goal, we may have to pay attention to how we are showing up and responding to things. We need to first have the awareness and then practice what our different responses could be.
If you cannot think of what character traits could help you in this season or you feel like you need to develop many of them, you can ask yourself these questions to help figure it out:
-What are the thoughts that I have regularly have about this transformation?
-How are those thoughts self-sabotaging?
-How are they getting in the way of allowing me to reach my goal?
-What character do I need to have instead to show up to help me move through that and respond differently?
[13:45] How Can We Start to Develop New Character Traits?
As you consider this idea of how developing certain character traits could help you through this season you are in, I wanted to give you a few questions to think about:
- What were some of the takeaways from this information that you haven’t thought about before?
- What is a character trait that you could develop that will help you the most in this life transition?
These questions are different for each situation and each woman. I am currently in a season where I need courage, boldness, and my eyes on Christ. I have been in seasons of life where I needed to surrender.
What could this character trait look like for you? If you find that you want to have community support around you to work through these things from a biblical and scientific perspective, then join us for Onward and Upward Collective.
Need support for navigating new beginnings, creating new routines, or chasing divine dreams? Join us in the Onward + Upward Collective! Coaching is by application only and spots are limited (plus we start April 15) so sign up today.
Looking to refresh your mind + dwell in God's peace (in about 5 minutes!) when life is stressful? Check out Alicia’s “Christian Meditations for Daily Calm” resource.
Ready to refresh your mind, body, and spirit as you explore one of the world's most beloved regions? Join Alicia in September 2025 for a life-changing travel retreat to Italy!
247: Avoiding Burnout: Finding Emotional + Mental Rest Despite Life’s Everyday Chaos