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  1. Agree with Alicia. Making a habit of waking up early in the morning and spending that time wisely is vital. You can spend that time into reading or writing blogs as well. I am a content writer at a growing IT firm, and usually schedule most of my blogs for writing in the morning when the mind is all fresh and where a lot of thinking needs to be done. Certainly a great blog.

  2. Hi Tiffany! Thank you so much! Yes, getting up before the kids was a HUGE game changer for me too! Such a great way to start off the morning right! I’m so glad you discovered it too! Thanks again for stopping by!

  3. Great post!! I recently made a similar change to help with my morning routine. I was waking up at the same time my kids needed to get started and I always felt ‘pushed’. Once the New Year started I been waking up 30 minutes before them… life changer! Things are so much easier now. Thanks so much for sharing your How To with us at Turn It Up Tuesday! We always love great content…

  4. Love this post! I need to change up my morning routine. It is so stressful and I feel like all I do is yell at my kids to hurry up. There has to be a better way.

  5. you have some valid points in this post. I work outside of the home and this makes it hard to have structure as I leave for work and my husband stays home I come home early afternoon. I am going to try to use your tips on my days off
    thanks for sharing come see us at

  6. Hi Candice! Thank you! It really can make a big difference when we can find a routine that works for us first thing in the morning. I know when I’m “off” my routine, the rest of the day feels off kilter.

  7. Hi Crystal! Thank you! I agree. Getting into a strong morning routine was one of the best things I ever did for myself as a mom. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

  8. This advice should be given to all mothers before they have their kids. It does honestly make a HUGE difference in how well a morning routine goes. I love waking up with time spent with God too.

    Thank you for linking up with the #HomeMattersParty. We hope to see you again when we open our doors on Friday at 12AM EST.

  9. Hi Hannah! A good morning routine can make all the difference! And the best part about it is that we can make that routine whatever inspires and encourages us! Thanks for stopping by and sharing!

  10. I love this, Alicia! Having a good morning routine has been one thing that has really helped me this past year. And you’re so right, small steps are the way to go, even just getting up 15 minutes earlier makes a big difference! Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty!

  11. Great tips!! I think that sometimes you need to change up your routine a bit. Most of us have that certain list of what we have to do, but we shouldn’t be overwhelmed by it. Love your ideas! 🙂

  12. Oh, yes. Night owl here too. But I’ve come to really, really love the morning hours. Is it possible to be both a night owl and early riser?! Oh, wait, I’m a mom… isn’t that part of the job?! LOL Seriously though, switching to a morning routine (and doing my best to go to bed at a decent time) has made a big difference in my mothering and sanity, for sure.

  13. I’m a morning person, but this is good advice, especially for night owls (like my daughter) who have to change up their routine to accommodate the needs of the family.

  14. Oh, I’m so sorry you’ve had a rough morning. We’ve all been there!! I think it makes all the difference to have that time to yourself in the morning. I for one feel so much more human. 🙂 The great news is that you are determined to make a change… and you have God on your side to help you do just that! I haven’t always been an early riser either but I am a firm believer now. Take small steps (maybe get up 30 minutes earlier?) and commit to doing it for a week, and notice the difference. I enjoy spending that time reading the Bible, praying (and, if I’m able, writing). Find what works for you and reset your routine. Yes, we have to set the tone for the day! 🙂 Let me know how it goes!

  15. Thanks, Alicia! Yet another morning of yelling (me) and crying (one kid and me) and feeling guilty (yes, me, again) while trying to get the six kids out the door for school led me to search for help on morning routines. I felt like God was telling me this morning, “YOU are the grown-up here. YOU set the tone for the day.” I do not enjoy getting up and dislike early mornings so I’m always trying to get that last 15 minutes of snooze time in. I was inspired by your advice and hope to have a better heart next week when I try to get up earlier to prepare myself. I’ll be looking for the early-to-bed blog, too!

  16. Ha! Love the bunny clock idea, Lisa! I have one of those kids who has ALWAYS been an early riser, and I think we had something similar for him at that age. 🙂

  17. I know my day goes a whole lot better if I’ve had my own “morning quiet time!” It can be hard to beat my youngest two though. So I got a special clock for my 4 year old that is set for 7:00. He’s not allowed to come out of his bedroom before his bunny clock “wakes up.” Now if I can just convince the baby that he doesn’t have to get up as soon as I do! 🙂

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