20: 6 Steps to Making Good Decisions with Confidence
Are you facing a decision and need direction (and have no idea what to do next)?
Today’s episode will give you great clarity on making better decisions so you can find purpose and direction during life transitions.
If you’re wondering, “What decision should I make?” “What does God want me to do?” you'll love this episode with a step-by-step decision making process you can use the next time you’re stuck and need direction.

We all face life transitions—points in our life where we feel God calling us to something new, but we’re not sure which road to take.
We want to make the right choice— one that honors God, avoids failure and leaves us happier than we are now.
But how?!
That’s exactly the dilemma we discuss in today’s episode, including:
- Why good decision making starts with life balance
- How to include godly truth in your decision making
- How the right mindset can keep your decision making process moving forward
Related Podcasts & Helpful Posts
- Episode 19: How to Calm Down When You're Stressed Out
- Episode 11: Feeling Stuck? How Curiosity Can Set You Free
- Episode 7: Managing Your Inner Critic
Free 3-Day Bible Study to Help You Grow Closer to God
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- Receive God's wisdom through Bible study
- Recognize God at work
- Release fear and worry through prayer