The Bible verses for moms in this post are perfect for women like us who need joy, hope and strength to get through the tough mothering days.
Plus, don't miss the chance to dig deeper into these verses, especially these bible verses about joy!
7 Encouraging Bible Verses for Moms
[clickToTweet tweet=”#moms : Need #encouragement ? #ultimatelist of #bibleverses for moms for tough mothering days #joy #bible #christian” quote=”Need encouragement, mom? Here’s the ultimate list of bible verses for moms that will help you discover joy, peace and hope even on the toughest mothering days.”]
Thankfully, we don't have to go on this mothering journey alone! God promises to be with us, and He's especially close in these moments when we moms need encouragement and truth.
Grab a steaming cup of tea or coffee and let these encouraging Bible verses for moms bring your soul joy and restoration.
1. God wants to encourage you as he leads you each day.
“He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.” Isaiah 40:11
I love this picture of how God wants to encourage us moms by gently leading us. I love thinking about how I'm a “mother sheep with young” and how God understands exactly what that means (and how it's not easy to be a mom!).
We all need encouragement from Bible verses to know that God walks with us through motherhood.
2. Mom, your work to encourage your kids is making a difference.
“The sayings of King Lemuel contain this message, which his mother taught him.” Proverbs 31:1
Proverbs 31 is the famous Bible chapter where the “ideal” woman is portrayed. How poignant that God begins this wisdom-filled chapter with a simple reminder of the importance of mothers.
What a difference we moms are making each day, even when we can't see it! Let this encouraging Bible verse bring you joy today.
3. We moms have the gift of God's presence to bring us joy and encouragement.
“You have endowed him with eternal blessings and given him the joy of your presence.” Psalm 21:6
Mom, even when life is hard and God's plan seems especially challenging, understand that his loving spirit is always with you. Look for those miraculous moments of joy when you can see His presence working in your life–and celebrate them.
This is an encouraging Bible verse for moms to memorize, especially on the tough days when you need to know that the joy of the Lord is with you.
4. Mom, trust God to work behind the scenes on the tough mothering days.
“The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” Psalm 28:7
There are many days as a mom where I don't understand the big picture. Why did my child act like that? Why isn't he understanding the lesson that I'm trying to teach him? Why is God continuing to allow this behavior to happen?
And yet, this encouraging Bible verse reminds me that when I set my mind on heavenly plans (that I can trust that God is working out for my good), then I can choose joy, even when my emotions say otherwise.
Bible verses for moms like these keep us going on the tough days!
5. You can be confident and find lasting joy in His plans, mom.
“Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” Psalm 34:5
This Bible verse for moms reminds us to look to God for help and to confidently choose to follow His great plans.
The great thing about trusting God is that encouraging Bible verses like these remind us that we won't ever be ashamed doing what He tells us to do. We don't have to second guess God's guidance.
6. Rest in the truth, mom, that God is your helper and will bring you joy even in the trials.
“Because you are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 63:7
Mom, God wants to help you on these hard mothering days. Bible verses like this one are great for moms because they remind us that, like a baby bird hiding under its mother's wings, we can hide under God's protective “wings” until the storm passes.
This encouraging Bible verse allows moms like us to trust Him more and find joy during trials (whether a trial is a difficult mothering day or a long season of challenges).
P.S. If you're going through a trial, connecting with God each day isn't a luxury but a necessity!
I want to show you how to grow closer to God and stay strong through this trial by showing you how to connect with God in under 10 minutes a day using the method I teach in this free Bible study!
7. No matter the circumstances, God promises to bring good from the most difficult situations.
“Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy.” Psalm 126:5
The hardest part about being in a difficult situation is that we often can't see the full picture of what's going on. Through the pain and tears, we ask “Why, God?”
As moms, we must cling to Bible verses about joy like these because they are promises from our loving Father. He takes our daily mothering trials and, in His time, allows great beauty to burst forth.
It doesn't mean that the tough mothering days are easy (or will ever stop happening!) but it gives us great hope and perspective.
#1 Way for These Bible Verses for Moms to Change Your Life
I know you didn't just come here for a list of good Bible verses for moms, right?
You want change. You want God to help you discover REAL JOY and hope during this challenging season.
You know that there's more to life than they way things are now–and you're ready for things to be different!
I totally get it.
But I have to tell you… if you want your life to be changed by these Bible verses too, then you can't just read these scriptures and click away.
You have to take action. You have to bring these truths into your life.
Let me show you how.
1. Learn an easy but powerful method for daily Bible study
Would you like to learn my method for studying Bible verses and growing closer to God (so that you can get the most encouragement out of these Bible verses as possible–in only a few minutes a day)?
I'd love to teach you a simple and easy Bible study method: the 5Rs Bible Study™ Method.
I call this personal Bible study method the “5 Rs” because it consists of five steps that all start with an “R”:
- Read,
- Rewrite,
- Restate,
- Relate/Reveal, and
- Respond
[mv_video key=”vxynkqpwgnv8o48qrnxz” volume=”70″ aspectRatio=”true” title=”How to Study the Bible Using the 5Rs Bible Method” thumbnail=”” jsonLd=”true” doNotOptimizePlacement=”false” doNotAutoplayNorOptimizePlacement=”false” sticky=”false”]The 5Rs Bible Study Method™ is one of the best ways for anyone to study the Bible effectively because it gives a step-by-step way to understand and apply any scripture.
It's an easy, free, inductive Bible study method that works!
The 5Rs Bible Study™ Method is a part of how I teach women to connect with God everyday, called the Spiritual Growth Rhythm™ which also includes recognizing God at work and releasing fear and worry.
Here's a quick video that explains the Spiritual Growth Rhythm:
[mv_video key=”zziuylfdy0hgjudgolhp” volume=”70″ aspectRatio=”true” title=”How to Grow Closer to God in 3 Steps a Day” thumbnail=”” jsonLd=”true” doNotOptimizePlacement=”false” doNotAutoplayNorOptimizePlacement=”false” sticky=”false”]Learn more about the 5Rs Bible Study Method and the Spiritual Growth Rhythm™ here.
2. Get a good-quality study Bible in a Bible version that makes sense to you.
Sometimes you many not have a list of Bible verses about love nearby. Or you may go through a season where you're looking for new Bible verses for moms that can offer hope, joy or peace.
That's why I highly recommend that any mom who wants to get closer to God has access to a study Bible. And of course, don’t forget a great study Bible so you can not only look up a Bible verse anytime you need to, but you can use a study Bible’s concordance in the back to locate even more encouraging Bible verses for moms!
3. Make daily Bible study easy with pre-planned materials.
My daily quiet time with God (a mere 10-15 minutes a day) has revolutionized my life and is the GLUE that keeps me mentally sane as a mom. Go here to learn how to start a quiet time habit too.
But maybe you're wondering: What do I read everyday? How do I know which Bible verses to study?
That's why I created the “I Am Loved” 4-Week Bible Study Course. It not only is a wonderful tool for learning about God's love (what I encourage women to start learning about first, especially if they are struggling or have never been able to “feel” God's love in their heart), but this Bible study is powerful foundation for learning the Spiritual Growth Rhythm™ as part of a daily connection time with God.
This amazing study gives you everything you need to show you how to find spiritual refreshment in under 10 minutes a day!
Imagine how easy and simple it would be to have this Bible study with a proven tool to help you connect with God in a powerful way!
This amazing study includes a digital Bible Study Magazine, 4 teaching videos, plus devotionals, discussion questions and additional study materials.
Everything is figured out. No more wondering what verses to read or study!
You'll know exactly what to read each day and how to study it!
Each day you'll simply go through the Spiritual Growth Rhythm for that verse. Easy!
And because the 30 verses in the Bible Journal study are grouped by subtopic–one subtopic for each of the six weeks of the Bible study–it's easy for the Bible learning to build day after day.
Then at the end of the week, you have the option to dig deeper into that week's topic by reading additional Bible stories and answering more traditional Bible study questions.
How to Discover a Happier Life as a Mom
Can you see how the awesome Spiritual Growth Rhythm will help you grow closer to God and find true happiness like never before?!
Let me tell you a bit more about the “I Am Loved” 4-Week Bible Study–the place I recommend all women start with because knowing God's love is the foundational truth that changes everything else.
I Am Loved 4-Week Bible Study Course:
- Perfect for moms who feel unappreciated
- Ideal for anyone struggling to find purpose and meaning in life
- Great for anyone who wants to know how God's love can change their life
- Ideal for women who need confidence and self-esteem
I'm so excited for you to go through this Bible study because I know it can change your life!
God wants to teach you (through a personal relationship with Him) how to access his amazing joy in all circumstances. He also wants to show you how DEEPLY you are loved by Him.
The Spiritual Growth Rhythm (the main way we connect with god in the “I Am Loved” Bible Study Course) make sit possible for anyone to do so–and to be the best mom you can be–in only a few minutes a day!
You deserve this! And your family deserves your best you!
Start with the”I Am Loved” Bible Study Course and let this consistent time with God transform your life… starting now.
Other Good Bible Verses for Moms
Love these encouraging Bible verses for moms? Don't miss these Bible verses to encourage moms:
- Want More Happy? 20 Bible Verses About Joy & Happiness
- Ultimate List of Bible Verses about Love
- 27 Inspiring Bible Verses About Trials and Hard Times
Other Posts with Biblical Encouragement for Moms
- Is It Possible to “Count It All Joy” in Every Trial?
- 8 Tips for Finding Rest in Every Mothering Season
- 3 Ways to Find Motherhood Motivation on the Tough Days
- 4 Ways “Acceptance with Joy” Will Change Your Life Today
- How to Find Hope When You Feel Ashamed
- God's Love Letter to You (for Those Tough Mothering Days)
- 5 Steps Toward Real Spiritual Growth