3 Questions You Must Answer to Find Joy Through Trials
Wonder how you’re supposed to find joy through trials? I totally understand!
Let's look at the top three questions about joy in trials, and share some encouraging Bible verses about joy that can bring true hope and purpose during hard times.
Yes, you CAN find hope and joy through trials! It starts with discovering YOUR answers to these three big questions.
Let's get you started on the journey to more hope and joy (despite this trial)!
Are You Serious About Finding Joy Right Now? If So, Read On…
This blog post will help you begin to discover answers to these questions about finding joy.
But honestly, if you're serious about discovering joy through trials then you REALLY need to dig deeper on this topic through an in-depth Bible study about joy.
That's why I HIGHLY encourage you to go through the Joy Full 5Rs Bible Study™ Journal if you really want to find lasting joy through trials.
With over 30 joy bible verses, this amazing joy Bible study answers the 6 biggest questions about finding joy in everyday life, including:
- Where can we find true happiness & lasting joy?
- How do I know that God has good, joy-filled plans for me?
- How can I choose joy during life’s trials?
- How can I find joy when I don’t feel joyful?
- How can I trust God to turn my trials into joyful blessings?
- How can joy grow in my heart when life is always hard?
In only 6 weeks (and in less than 10 minutes a day), you'll uncover the main reasons WHY it's difficult for you to experience joy right now.
If you're discouraged by your circumstances and you want to know HOW to find a more joyful life, this is the perfect Bible study for you!
Top Questions About Why We Go Through Trials and Tribulations
Trials and tribulations seem to bring out all of our spiritual questions, don't they?
Namely, we want to know:
- When will this trial end?;
- Why is this trial happening to me?; and
- How can we count it all joy during a trial when trials are so hard?
It's normal to ask God the “why” questions when life is hard, even if you have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Let's talk about these questions about trials one by one (and share some comforting Bible verses about trials and hard times that can bring hope).
P.S. My family and I have had many trials recently! I want to encourage you with what we have learned about finding joy through trials. Read about a few of those here (and how we're learning to count it all joy).
Question #1: When will this trial end?
Unfortunately, we don't have control over when a trial ends. And, in my opinion, that's one of the toughest parts of going through a trial!
I would encourage you to not worry about the “when.” I've found that obsessing over “when will this trial end?” just opens the door to anxiety and fear.
Instead, focus on getting through this one moment. God only gives us the problems of today to handle (Matthew 6:25-33), and therefore, He only gives us strength the handle the problems of today.
Just focus on this day, and on this moment. He will get you through it, but you must connect with Him and get his spiritual “manna” (Exodus 16:1-20) each day in order to stay strong and to grow through the trial.
That's why I highly encourage you to connect with God each morning through a quiet time. Let Him give you the supernatural joy you need to endure this trial.
Question #2: Why is this trial happening to me?
This question alone keeps many of us from trusting God through a trial.
Here's the bad news: The Bible says we should expect trials and difficulties (1 Peter 4:12). And that in fact, God uses trials to draw us into a closer relationship with Him.
As I heard a pastor explain it recently: If God told you that, for the next year you would have all the money you need, perfect health, zero relationship conflict and you'd have everything else you wanted, you probably wouldn't spend time praying and calling out to Him, right?
That's just human nature: We cling to God (and grow closer to Him) when we are in a time of need.
Question #3: How can we count it all joy during a trial when trials are so hard?
There's no denying that trials aren't difficult. Life can be downright excruciating at times, unfortunately.
But the good news is that He uses these trials as the conduits for beautiful spiritual growth, specifically joy (here's my story of how He's given me the gift of joy because of some difficult trials).
There's one Bible verse–James 1:2-4–that encourages us to “count it all joy” during a trial. Let's take a closer look at that scripture now.
The Truth About the Count it All Joy Scripture You've Heard
There are many powerful Bible verses about finding joy in trials (including Romans 5:3, 1 Peter 1:6-7, and 2 Corinthians 4:16-18).
But I want to talk about one of the most oft-quoted scriptures many people share during a difficult life season:
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James 1:2-4
In the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, James 1:2 is written as “Consider it pure joy my brothers” (which to me makes this verse even more potentially challenging when you read it while going through a trial)!
And that's just it: James 1:2:-4 is difficult to read during a trial because trials are incredibly painful. Considering a trial “pure joy” when we receive an unexpected diagnosis or must endure the painful loss of a loved one seems incredulous at best. And that makes sense.
However, the issue lies in a perspective issue not a biblical truth issue.
You see, yes, trials are an opportunity for great joy. The problem is that we may not recognize that great joy until after the trial ends.
Hindsight may be 20/20, but during the hard times, our spiritual “vision” can easily become clouded and downright murky, making it extremely hard to take the James 1:2-3 verse at face value.
In fact, joy can feel very, very far away.
But is it? Is joy really far off during life's biggest trials?
How Can You Have Joy Through Trials? It Comes Down to One Question
When going through a trial, we can read all kinds of Bible verses about joy. And of course these provide incredible insight and strength.
But ultimately, it's about what we choose to do with these Bible verses.
Trusting God through trials? It's all about how we answer this question:
“What will you choose to focus on–your emotions or God's truth?”
What thoughts will you choose to let dominate your mindset? Will you let fear rule, or will you unwaveringly trust in God's promises?
What will you allow yourself to ruminate on when the test results come back positive, when you receive that rejection letter (again), or when you have absolutely no idea how things will work out?
Your quiet, secret thoughts (played day after day) will be the greatest influence on your joy during a trial.
In fact, what you choose to dwell on with either free you to experience God's joy or it will hold you prisoner to your fears.
[clickToTweet tweet=”What u dwell on will either free u to experience God's joy or it will hold you prisoner to ur fears. #truth” quote=”What you dwell on will either free you to experience God's joy and peace or it will hold you prisoner to your fears.”]
Yes, our thoughts have that much power.
Take the Next Step: Experience for Yourself How to Find Joy In Trials
But… if you want to REALLY discover joy through trials, you can't just summon up all your “positive energy” and “think enough good thoughts” about your situation.
Trust me, I've tried. 🙂
It takes more. Way more. It takes a spiritual touch from God. He has to be the one to help you re-shape your thoughts.
And that won't happen by just reading a few blog posts about finding more joy.
If you want change–real change–you have to let God change you from the inside out by immersing yourself in HIS truth about how to discover REAL JOY–no matter your circumstances.
You have to take action. You have to bring these truths into your life.
And that's why I'm such a fan of the Joy Full 5Rs Bible Study™ Journal.
We need to let God's words about joy change us bit by bit, and that only happens when we connect these truths about joy to our real world circumstances.
Day by day this incredible joy Bible study will transform your thoughts by making these Bible verses about joy real and relevant to YOUR circumstances.
Each week on Days 1 to 5 of the study, you'll use the 5Rs Bible Study Method (an easy Bible study method that takes under 10 minutes a day) to apply that day's Bible verse about joy to your life.
This method teaches you to Read, Rewrite, Restate, Relate and Respond to each verse (you can learn more about the 5Rs here).
Then at the end of each week (in the “Reflect” section) you'll read real-world accounts from others in the Bible who also dealt with struggling to find joy.
There's tons of great discussion questions and journal prompts here so that you can delve even deeper into the subject!
This is the perfect next step if you're SERIOUS about discovering authentic joy in trials!
You've got nothing to lose and only MORE JOY to gain! 🙂
More Bible Verses for Finding Joy Through Trials
Want to see more Bible verses about joy in spite of a trial?
- 20 Encouraging Bible Verses About Joy
- 19 Joy Bible Verses for Chronic Illness Sufferers
- 27 Inspiring Bible Verses About Trials and Hard Times
Others Testimonies about Discovering Joy During Trials
- 4 Ways “Acceptance with Joy” Will Change Your Life Today
- 5 Biblical Truths on Joy That Will Change Your Life
- When Chronic Illness Invades Your Marriage
- When a Loved One Dies Unexpectedly
- Keeping Faith in God During Hard Times (4 Inspiring Stories)
Vibrant Christian Living Podcast episodes about how to stay strong in a trial:
- Ep 21: How to Find Hope Through Hard Times (or Through Trials)
- Ep 5: How to Find Hope When Battling Chronic Illness
- Ep 35: Finding Hope After Miscarriage with Abby Burgess
- Ep 57: When You Don't Feel God + Wonder Where He Is
- Ep 63: Finding Unshakeable Hope in Uncertain Times
- Ep 64: When You Doubt Your Faith and Have Questions About God with Robin Dance
- Ep 69: What's Going On Inside? Learning About the 4 Parts of Self
You’re more than welcome, Glenda! I’m so glad that this post on joy through trials inspired and encouraged you!
Im so thankful i have read your blog. In such wonderful ways i feel joyful again despite our finacial crisis this time. Im a sundays school teacher in our church and i will share your article to our congregation. I encourages me to see sunshine after the rain as the saying goes. Your such a blessing to us your fellow brethren. Thank you and god bless you more! Happy new year 2019
Wonderful to meet you, Ronel! I’m so glad to hear that you were encouraged by the resources on the site and in email. Blessings to you!
Hi Alicia
I was checking my emails this morning and saw an email. I went through your postings and find it
enlightening and empowering. I am a semi retired teacher, life coach, mother and wife AND I AM A DREAMER! I have dreams and they come true. I help to interpret the dreams of others. I had a dream that TRUMP would be the next president of the US and walla! I had 3 more interesting dreams about Trump. Back to my story…I just decided one day to quit my life and move to another continent. I am currently living in a beautiful town called Esperance (meaning PLACE OF HOPE ) in Western Australia. I am an AUSIEKANER (SOUTH AFRICAN LIVING IN AUSTRALIA). I am currently writing 2 books – one on happiness called Happy Face and the other one is called One Step Ahead and it is about success. These books are botha about my HAPPINESS JOURNEY. Life threw me a few curve balls. I struggled with my health and happiness. I just lost my mojo one day and realised that life is not happening for me anymore. I had a near death experience and visited heaven. This experience altered my mind and changed the course of my life forever. My HAPPINESS JOURNEY was a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY….. A CLOSER WALK WITH GOD! I will most definitely follow more postings!
Deborah! Thank you for sharing your story! I am praying for your grandson’s full recovery.
Please place my 6 year old grandson Izaiah T. on your prayer list. He was diagnosed on Feb 14, 2017 with Leiukima All with Phylidelphia Like & CRLF. He has been going through treatment at Childrens hospital in Seattle with continued treatment for 3.5 years. They are saying he will have a high reaccurance rate even though his is in remission 1 month into treatment. Our prayer is for a full cure.
Thank you, Rebeca, for sharing! I’m honored that what I wrote blessed and encouraged you!
“I want to savor these moments, like I’d savor a fine piece of cheese or an exquisitely-flavored chocolate truffle. These are priceless—rich and decadent treasures that are not meant to be gobbled up but to be remembered and recalled time and again.”
This imagery just leaped out at me. I definitely needed this reminder today to savor the multitude of blessings in my day. Thank you!
Thank you, Michele! I love your analogy here of either being “half asleep” or with “our hair on fire.” Great mental picture!
Loving the reminder to savor. We go through life either half asleep or with our hair on fire, juggling priorities and answering our phones as if we were in charge of the universe. Thanks for this invitation to slow down and savor. Congrats on being featured at Grace and Truth.
Thank you, Jennifer! 🙂
Yes, that’s perfect. It’s my honor to share this important message with my readers! 🙂
Jennifer! Thank you so much for your words. It’s so wonderful to hear that God used the words here to bless you. And thank you for featuring it at A Divine Encounter! I’ve added a link back to the “Grace and Truth” link-up… is this what you mean? Please let me know if you wanted me to link it to a different spot. Thank you for sharing the post! Blessing to you as well, friend! 🙂
Much-needed salve to my soul. Thank you for this beautifully written, truth-filled reminder. I would love to feature this at A Divine Encounter tomorrow! The rules require a featured post to have a link back to one of the hostesses. I’m unable to find a link back – which may very well be an oversight on my part! If I missed the link back, or if you’d like to add one to be featured, please let me know. Either way, I’ll be pinning this one for others to enjoy, as well. 🙂 Blessings, friend!
Tania, what a wonderful idea. I believe that God is surrounding us with SO MANY good things, and yet, we’re so busy rushing around that we either miss them, or we glide by them too quickly. I love this idea of taking time on a weekly sabbath day to simply stop and say, “Wow…look at all the beauty that was present around me.” What a great re-framing of any week (particularly the hard ones). So much of our daily perspective comes from what we’re meditating on, and if that’s the good, WOW… what change can come in our hearts! And on top of all of this, I think this kind of celebration makes God’s heart sing. 🙂 He loves seeing His children enjoying all that He’s created (and is creating!). Rich blessings to you today, friend! Thank you for inspiring me with this idea! 🙂
I love this – I have recently started being intentional about a sabbath and didn;t know where to start so I looked at God’s first Sabbath and he looked and saw that it was good so I have started looking back on my week and listing everything that has been good within it – from the big things to chocolate biscuits 🙂
You are more than welcome and thank you so very much! 🙂
Tai, thank you for your kind words! I constantly need the reminder to savor the little things too! I’m so glad it blessed you. Have a blessed Easter with your family as well!
Karen, thank you! Yes, I think we moms are natural “processors”! It’s one of those balancing acts: we must process, but still learn to let go, enjoy and rest in His arms.
Happy Easter back to you!
I enjoyed this post so much! It was very well-rounded and full of wisdom.
I tend to be a processor who likes to think things through, but unfortunately, I process too much because in the “act of doing”, I’m trying to solve it myself, rather casting my cares and concerns upon the Lord.
Thank you for the encouragement!
Happy Easter
Alicia, this was such a beautiful post! I really enjoyed reading it. It was a great reminder to savor the little things that often mean the most. Thank you so much for sharing this! Happy Easter to you and your family! Infinite blessings to you, Love! 🙂
#GraceAndTruthLinkup 😉