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  1. Hey there! That’s totally your call. It depends on the type of item you’re making and how you would deliver that item. Do you have to worry about shipping costs? Odd-shaped (or potentially messy) packaging? The internet has really broadened our ability to sell to SO MANY different avenues at once. You might try test-marketing your products first by selling them locally, and then bring them online. But ultimately, I would highly suggest selling them online because that’s where you’ll have the greatest audience.

    In terms of what to make, I’d start out with a few things and test, test, test to see what sells. Make them unique and different. Find out what people really want in that type of product and worker harder than your competition to meet that need. Those are the type of products you want to create!

    Enjoy! And best of luck in your new business efforts!

  2. I am thankful for your tips and solid advice. I’ve been creating different things since 2005. All my friends constantly push me to ” show the world ” selling to a wide range of people. I have sold some items that ppl have seen in my home. A happen stance sort of thing. Now I want to take it further and therefore comes the fear that those items will not sell. What favorite items I love to make are so many things others are also selling. I have to many items I love to make…can you help to narrow down to a few, should I sell local to begin with?

  3. I do not do crafts any longer but for all the crafters you have given great helpful info. Online is the way of the future. Thank you for sharing on #overthemoon, Have a great 2016

  4. This is EXTREMELY helpful. I’m pinning it onto my Do the Side Hustle board. And I’m going to show it to my budding crafter. 🙂 Thanks for linking up on Frugal Friday!

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