While every girl is different (and the journey is different for each one), we must let our daughters know what it really means to be a healthy, whole woman. This is far from easy, especially since many of us are works in progress ourselves, right?! But isn't that true about all aspects of parenting--we must guide our kids as we are learning ourselves about life? As I grow in my own discovery of what it means to be an 21st Century Christian woman, here's what I want to tell my daughter. Would you agree with this list? What would you add?

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  1. I was teary eyed while reading it. I was moved, inspired, encouraged & most importantly BLESSEDPls. allow me to share this esp. to my two daughters.

    Thank you so much Alicia!

    God bless you and your family….

    Imee Lopez

  2. Thank you for the article. It has inspired me to move forward with something that God placed on my heart about 3 years ago as to how important it is for women and their daughters and granddaughters to bond and share their wisdom and life experiences. My mother and grandmother were both integral role models in my life. I want to be the same for my daughter, spiritual daughters and granddaughters. I am planning a mother/daughter tea in the Spring of 2019 and will certainly use your tips as part of my resources for our event.

    Kindest Regards,

  3. I am so glad you wrote this and shared it. It is written wonderfully. I have saved it to refer back to many times, I’m sure.

    Be blessed!

  4. Yay! Thank you for the encouragement. It’s good to know that there are lots of other moms out there that want to encourage their daughters in this way too! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I love this! My daughter’s 2 and I often think about what I want for her life. These are spot on, and I need to read these over and over.

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