You yelled at your kids. Again. You didn’t mean to speak so harshly, but the words fell out of your mouth in an angry blaze and there seemed to be no stopping them. It’s happened before. Too many times to count. And the longer the cycle continues, the more out of control you feel, right? I can completely relate! Let me show you a beautiful new perspective and plan for dealing with anger’s aftermath. Go here to get started!


  1. A close friend of mine was sharing with me her own experience of mommy guilt this week. I was reminded that every time we “lose our cool” with our kiddos, it is an opportunity to humble ourselves and let them see that Mommy isn’t perfect. By asking for their forgiveness for responding in anger, we can teach them a valuable lesson of admitting our wrongs, asking forgiveness, and extending grace.

  2. Lisa, I love what you wrote here! So much truth. Yes, I agree that we absolutely have to be REAL with our kids about all of our emotions so that they can see that we are flawed and struggle just as they do. And yet, of course, we still have to not take that to the extreme by using that as license to exhibit any sort of harmful behavior (for example, yelling, as you mentioned). It’s a balance, but I think it’s just allowing God to tell us how to best share an authentic Christian experience with our kids.

    And thank you so much for featuring the post this week! I am honored! Blessings to you. 🙂

  3. In a way, I think it’s healthy for kids to see their parents get angry like this (occasionally) because it helps them understand what life is more realistically like. Growing up, my parents NEVER allowed me to see their anger, so when I experienced it myself as a young adult, I felt overwhelmed with guilt, thinking that I must be an awful person, because my parents were “good” people and didn’t get angry. And then, when I had a boyfriend who once showed anger (in a very normal way, NOT at all dangerous), I labeled him an abuser (the poor guy was far, far from it) because I’d had this incorrect perception that anger was extremely dangerous and I should get away from it at all costs. I hurt him deeply by labeling him in that way and it took me many years before I realized that maybe my parents trying to shield me from these things only set me up to think there was this “perfect” way to act that I could never achieve. Anyway, that’s all just to say that I think anger is a real emotion that is okay to feel and while we hope to never display it in ways such as yelling, sometimes it can be helpful for kids to see our struggles and then also see how we’re still trying to grow and learn and that makes it easier for them to grow (and even learn from our mistakes), too!

  4. Thank you, Alicia. I’ve signed up for the printable and can’t wait to try out your tips. Not that I’m looking forward to the next angry outburst, but realistically, I’d love to be prepared. 🙂

  5. Yes, the mommy anger guilt. I’m trying to be more conscious of not losing it with the kids, although I still have my moments of slipping. Instead of getting angry, if I respond with some silly or goofy saying or reaction, it seems to diffuse the situation for both mommy and kiddo. It’s a constant struggle! Thanks for linking up with Funtastic Fridays.

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