Our kids, our family, our life as mom--these things are supposed to bring us joy, right?! But instead they make us SO ANGRY sometimes!! What in the world can we do about that?


  1. Love this! I think it is hard with kids because you’ve got to have a fundamental switch in your thinking – most of the triggers just aren’t going to go away, so you’ve got to change how you deal with them!

    Thanks so much for sharing at #FridayFrivolity 🙂

  2. I write a blog on joyful motherhood, so this post was great for me to read! I especially liked #3 – dealing with anger is a process! I get so frustrated with myself sometimes that I’m not as kind and loving as I want to be, but I forget that I’ve made a lot of progress in the last couple years! It’s silly to think that an issue I’ve dealt with for years is going to suddenly be perfect overnight just because I have a desire to change. It’s a process, and I need to give myself some grace in the process. Thanks for the reminder!

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