How to Confidently Know That Jesus Loves You
Jesus loves you: It's a phrase that you and I have probably heard a million times.
You may have read many Bible verses on love. You may have even grown up singing phrases like “Jesus loves me this I know.”
But have you allowed the truth that Jesus loves you to really sink into your heart?
Do you still wonder “How do I know God loves me?”
I firmly believe that statements like “Jesus loves me” won't move from our heads to our hearts unless we address some very important questions about God's love (and see it in action for ourselves).
Let me share a few stories and help you gain confidence like never before in the simple-yet-profound phrase “Jesus loves you!”
The #1 Issue You Must Address About God's Love…
If you're reading this, you probably have some doubts that Jesus loves you.
(And that's OK, by the way).
I can share my testimonies of God's love all day long, but chances are that you will have a hard time accepting what I'm sharing as gospel truth because:
- You haven't experienced it for yourself;
- You have your own issues about God and perhaps have been confused in the past about why certain things happened if He really loves you.
Oh, I so understand this.
You see, so many of us are not able to fully understand and experience God's love for us because we're bogged down by questions like:
- Where is God’s love during hard times?
- How can God’s love bring me everyday joy and peace?
- How can I best experience God’s love?
- How does God’s love free me to reach my fullest potential?
- How do I know that God always loves me?
Hard times may have caused you to question His love for you. You wonder why He did or did not allow circumstances to turn out a certain way. We all face dilemmas like this.
That's why in order to really understand God's love (and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus loves you) you must get answers to these deeper questions.
You must be willing to go to those hard places and ask those hard questions if you really want to know that Jesus loves you.
Can I share with you a great way to get to the root of these questions about God's love and build your confidence in the truth that Jesus loves you?
Let me introduce you to the “I am Loved” 4-Week Bible Study Course.
This amazing, one of a kind study is perfect for anyone feeling discouraged or who needs to know that God is with them in every situation.
Each week on Days 1 to 5 of the study, you'll use the Spiritual Growth Rhythm™ (an simple 3-step method that allows you to deeply connect with God in about 10 minutes a day) to apply that day's Bible verse about love to your life.
Here's a video that explains the Spiritual Growth Rhythm:
[mv_video key=”zziuylfdy0hgjudgolhp” volume=”70″ aspectRatio=”true” title=”How to Grow Closer to God in 3 Steps a Day” thumbnail=”” jsonLd=”true” doNotOptimizePlacement=”false” doNotAutoplayNorOptimizePlacement=”false” sticky=”false”]You'll go through the Spiritual Growth Rhythm in the daily worksheets. Here's what the daily Spiritual Growth Rhythm™ Worksheets look like:
Then at the end of the week you'll watch the teaching video and be challenged by several thought-provoking questions that will allow you to work through the questions you have that Jesus loves you.
The weekly teaching videos, devotionals and weekly check in sheets allow you to process what that you've been learning all week on a specific topic so that God can really confirm these truths in your heart.
There's even bonus material, including adult coloring pages, curated podcast lists and coaching questions so you can dig even deeper into the topic of God's love.
Day by day the“I Am Loved” Bible Study Course will transform your thoughts by making God's love real and relevant to YOUR circumstances.
If you really want to know that Jesus loves you, this 4-week study can truly bring that truth home to your heart like nothing else!
Now… let me tell you some stories of how God has allowed the truth “Jesus loves you” to change my life.
How Knowing God's Love Saved My Life
One day almost twenty years ago, I came face to face with a horrible fact: I wanted to die.
I had battled depression and self-esteem issues for a long time, and the pain had become unbearable.
As I sat on the floor of my college apartment’s bathroom (a bottle of aspirin in my hand and tears rolling down my cheeks), I wrestled with my jumbled, emotional thoughts.
I’d become a Christian only a year before. Although I hadn't grow up singing the wonderful childhood song “Jesus Loves Me,” God's love had thankfully been hidden in my heart in that short amount of time.
Way down deep was a quiet truth that softly whispered to my troubled soul: Jesus loves you.
I heard these life-changing words not from “the big man upstairs” (how many people picture God). No, this was the Jesus who had suffered extreme heartache and pain like I had. This was the Jesus who knew the depth of my sin.
This was the Jesus who had brought true meaning into my life only a year before. And this was the same Jesus who sat there with me on that bathroom floor, comforting me in my deep sorrow and promising me He would never leave me.
That day I didn’t believe the truth that Jesus loved me, at least not fully. But just a tiny glimmer of “Jesus loves me” in my heart was enough to compel me to put down the bottle of pills and continue to push through the mess.
That simple life truth saved me that cloudy March day, and it’s been re-making me ever since.
How Jesus' Love Was My Hope As a Young Mom
Fast forward ten years. My life had radically changed: The depression was behind me, and now I was happily married with two small boys.
I was again exhausted and emotional, but for a very different reason. As I nursed a new baby all night and chased a toddler all day, my self-identity was once again in question.
I asked God, “Who am I?” as I embraced the relentless role of motherhood. And in my heart I heard him confirm once again: You are loved. You are mine.
Once again, I had to choose to lean on the truth “Jesus loves me” in order to get those draining, sleepless years as a new mom.
I saw the exhaustion and chaos continue as we welcomed in our third and fourth babies. And there were many days when I wondered, “Will I ever be more than the person who settles sibling conflicts and soothes scraped knees?”
That's when I saw God remind me that my identity, first and foremost, was outlined by Him. His perspective of me (perfectly loved and complete in Him) offered me worth and value.
Day by day (through a thousand tiny ways), I watched Him make the phrase “Jesus loves you” more and more real to my heart. I was loved and important to Him no matter what.
How “Jesus Loves Me” Is My Daily Anchor
Since that time, I have experienced many other ups and downs in my life. Huge financial crises. Devastating miscarriages. Immense parenting challenges.
Scary things. Beautiful things. And thanks to Jesus' loving presence, they've been transformative things.
You see, God has taught me to filter everything that happens to me through the truth “Jesus loves me.” Psalm 5:12 explains that God's love is a shield to those who follow Him, and that promise allows me to make peace with the trials I continue to encounter.
Can life be excruciatingly difficult, demanding, and even heart-wrenching at times? Absolutely.
But knowing that God loves me is the anchor that holds my life in place.
The more I trust God's love in all circumstances, the more I’ve watched the truth “Jesus loves me” grow stronger and more vibrant in my heart.
Why Knowing That Jesus Loves You Changes Everything
I say that the truth “Jesus loves me” changes everything because, well, it simply does.
If you can fully grasp—not just in a Sunday-School-sort-of-head-knowledge-way—that you are utterly and completely loved, then I guarantee that you will be set free.
You will look at your circumstances differently. You will parent differently. You will manage your finances differently. You will speak differently to your spouse.
What once looked frightening and overwhelming becomes bearable (and dare I say, joy-filled!) when you can understand and completely believe this simple truth: Jesus loves me.
When you realize that the One holding the entire universe together is the same one who is completely crazy about you, you find yourself realizing that there really is nothing to be afraid of.
Life doesn’t become perfect, but the pain becomes purposeful as you trust that His love will re-make it into a glorious testimony.
P.S. Remember what I said earlier about how knowing that you're loved by God is something that requires answering some big questions about your own experiences with God's love?
It's so important. And that's why I highly encourage you to get the
In 4 weeks of the “I Am Loved” Bible Study you can have a better understanding of God's love, and get to the root of why you may have issues in understanding God's love and find hope and healing!
Think about it: How differently would your life choices have been if you’d known beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were utterly and completely loved by God?
“Jesus loves you” is a life truth that changes everything, isn't it!
It's time for you to experience the fullness of that truth in your life. It's time for you to let “Jesus loves you” become more than something you learned in Sunday School!
Let's work on theses deeper issues together in the “I Am Loved” Bible Study Course!
Other Posts About God's Love
- 32 Comforting Bible Verses About God's Love
- Ultimate List of Bible Verses About Love
- God's Love Letter for You (for the Tough Mothering Days)
- How to Teach Confidence to Kids (11 Truths for Christian Parents)
- 4 Ways to Raise Confident Kids Who Love God
Take the Next Step Towards God's Love
You are treasured. Known. And loved by God!
There is nothing else that satisfies like knowing you are deeply loved and accepted by God.
And the only way for the truth “Jesus loves me” to move from our heads to our hearts is for us to choose to discover the truth for ourselves!
The “I Am Loved” Bible Study Course is a wonderful way to make the phrase “Jesus loves you” real in your heart.
Get started today on making this truth finally real in your heart: Jesus loves you!
Thank you! Yes, knowing that we are 100% loved by Him–getting that deep into our bones–changes absolutely everything. We see the world differently! Thanks for sharing, and I pray that many women were touched by what you said at the retreat! Hugs!
What a beautiful post! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I was on my way to speak at a women’s retreat and asked God, “what is the one thing you want me to say to these women today.” I immediately felt Him say, “Tell them I love them.” You’re right. It’s a truth that changes everything!
Lisa, thank you for being brave and sharing too. Yes, that was such a difficult period of my life. And there have been times since then when I have felt those feelings creep back in like you said. But the difference for me between that time and if they creep up now is that I have SO MUCH more confidence in God and in His mighty sovereignty for my life. When I feel those emotions, I try to look beyond the moment and really focus on the truths of the situation. The verses listed in the printable from the post are a great start on what the truth is, and how God feels about each of us. This grounds me and centers me and helps me through the trials. His love is REAL and IS truth. I am not afraid to share what I went through because it’s such an important part of my testimony and I want others to know that hope and healing is possible, even in the darkest moments.
Wow Alicia – that was brave to share that. I understand. I’ve battled depression and suicidal thoughts during my life. Things have been really rough the past year and the feelings keep creeping back. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of Jesus’s love for us.
It takes a big heart to be as transparent as you’ve been in this post. I pray that it touches many hearts as much as it touched mine. Blessings to you.
Thank you, Amy! It is a privilege to me to be part of a God’s awesome testimony of redemption! He is incredible, and I am happy to share His story through my life. Thank you for your encouragement. And yes, the art from Red Letter Words is amazing! Truly. Dee’s pieces are all over my house! 🙂
Thank you Alicia for sharing your story! Your words of support and encouragement, reminding us of God’snlive for us all are so powerful! Beautiful artwork too!