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  1. Thank you! Yes, knowing that we are 100% loved by Him–getting that deep into our bones–changes absolutely everything. We see the world differently! Thanks for sharing, and I pray that many women were touched by what you said at the retreat! Hugs!

  2. What a beautiful post! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I was on my way to speak at a women’s retreat and asked God, “what is the one thing you want me to say to these women today.” I immediately felt Him say, “Tell them I love them.” You’re right. It’s a truth that changes everything!

  3. Lisa, thank you for being brave and sharing too. Yes, that was such a difficult period of my life. And there have been times since then when I have felt those feelings creep back in like you said. But the difference for me between that time and if they creep up now is that I have SO MUCH more confidence in God and in His mighty sovereignty for my life. When I feel those emotions, I try to look beyond the moment and really focus on the truths of the situation. The verses listed in the printable from the post are a great start on what the truth is, and how God feels about each of us. This grounds me and centers me and helps me through the trials. His love is REAL and IS truth. I am not afraid to share what I went through because it’s such an important part of my testimony and I want others to know that hope and healing is possible, even in the darkest moments.

  4. Wow Alicia – that was brave to share that. I understand. I’ve battled depression and suicidal thoughts during my life. Things have been really rough the past year and the feelings keep creeping back. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of Jesus’s love for us.

  5. Thank you, Amy! It is a privilege to me to be part of a God’s awesome testimony of redemption! He is incredible, and I am happy to share His story through my life. Thank you for your encouragement. And yes, the art from Red Letter Words is amazing! Truly. Dee’s pieces are all over my house! 🙂

  6. Thank you Alicia for sharing your story! Your words of support and encouragement, reminding us of God’snlive for us all are so powerful! Beautiful artwork too!

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