14 Incredibly Good Books to Read for Women
Looking for some good books to read? Maybe you've got a vacation planned, or you'd like to lose yourself in a good book right now.
Either way, it seems like we're all on the lookout for some good reads. Whether you want to find books to help you grow deeper in your faith or you're looking for some recommended fiction books to read, I want to share with you the books that have challenged and stretched me (or have just been excellent and entertaining good books to read).
How Did You Pick These Good Books to Read?
These 14 great reads are not necessarily the newest or hottest book releases (although some are)!
But if you and I were chatting over coffee, and asked me “Do you know of a good book to read?” these are the books I'd wholeheartedly recommend.
NOTE: I'm recommending these as books for an adult to read, and wouldn't necessarily recommend them for kids (unless otherwise noted). Although they are all high quality reads, many of them contain intense subject matter and I would highly caution parents to preview.
Here are 14 good books to read that I wholeheartedly recommend, divided by category (these are not in any particular order).
Good Books to Read: Non-Fiction
The Magnolia Story
by Chip and Joanna Gaines
Are you a huge fan of the HGTV show Fixer Upper like I am? Then you've got to read this book!
The Magnolia Story tells the behind-the-scenes tale of how Fixer Upper hosts Chip and Joanna Gaines grew up, fell in love and built their business helping families buy and create beautiful spaces in homes that needed a bit of fixing up.
I love that this book shares a closer glimpse into this couple's lives, and tells some crazy stories (that usually involve something outrageous that Chip has done!). I had to read some of these stories out loud to my husband and kids (who also watch the show) because the stories were simply hilarious!
Best of all, there's a beautiful testimony woven throughout the book of God's faithfulness and miracles. The faith aspect of their story (the Gaines family are Christians) is highly prevalant without being potentially “preachy” to those with different faith beliefs. Joanna also has some encouraging messages to women about her own struggles with perfectionism.
This was an easy and enjoyable read that I'd highly recommend!
Same Kind of Different As Me: A Modern Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Brought Them Together
by Ron Hall and Denver Moore
I read Same Kind of Different earlier this year and couldn't put it down, especially at the end.
Oh my gosh–if you're looking for an inspirational story of what it's like to step outside your comfort zone, this has to be the book you read this summer!
In a nutshell, it's the story of how the lives of two men from completely different socio-economic classes collide, and most of all what happens when we choose bravery over fear, and right over wrong–regardless of the consequences.
A major motion picture of the book (starring Renee Zellweger and Greg Kinnear) is planned for release soon.
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption
by Laura Hillenbrand
My grandpa (a World War II veteran) handed me this story a few summers ago and insisted that I read it.
Honestly, I wasn't really up for a “war book” or another book on history (even though it took place in the 1940s, one of my favorite eras), so it sat on my shelf a while.
But when I finally opened the pages and quickly became engrossed in the story, I kicked myself for not reading it sooner.
This book taught me so much about the human condition, what we can endure, and how God uses every life circumstance to create a remarkable tapestry of story that connects us all. It gave me a fresh new appreciation for the trials and horrors of war that this generation endured, and reminded me that hope lives even in the darkest places.
If you haven't read it, you've got to. The movie is good, but not as good as the book. And when my boys are a little older (mid-late teens), we will be giving them a copy to read too.
Note: There is a young adult adaptation of the book that we're going to preview this summer for our 11-and 13-year-old boys. Again, I haven't read it, but it might be a great way to young adult adaptation of the book.
How Far Can You Go?: My 25-Year Quest to Walk Again
How Far Can You Go? My 25-Year Quest to Walk Again
by John Maclean
Our family was introduced to this book in an unusual way: My husband met the author.
One day while attending a meeting, my husband sat next to John Maclain, a paralympic wheelchair athlete who was paralyzed 25 years ago in a cycling accident.
John was technically a “paraplegic,” but incredibly, John was able to stand and even give a presentation during the meeting! My husband was fascinated and wanted to learn more about his amazing story of hope, healing and miracles in John's book.
John's remarkable story–and his triumphant spirit–is captured in his memoir as he shares what has happened to him over and over the past 25 years as he's asked himself , “How far can you go?” (a question originally posed to him by his dad right after the accident).
Talk about an inspiring and miraculous story!
While it's great for reading on your own, I'd highly recommend this as a family read aloud as well (we read it aloud to our kids)!
Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption
Kisses from Katie
by Katie J. Davis
This is the true story of a remarkable eighteen-year-old young woman who gave up her very comfortable American life to serve wholeheartedly and demonstrate God's relentless love to some of the poorest on the planet.
Katie's desire to make a difference is at once revolutionary and strikingly simple. The book walks through Katie's journey as she moves to Uganda, adopts thirteen children and begins a ministry that is dramatically changing so many lives.
This book will inspire you to say “yes” as you step out in faith for God!
Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World
Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World
by Bob Goff
Watch out–this book could change your life!
The book itself is not incredibly complex, honestly. But in a world filled with self-absorption and selfishness, Love Does is such a refreshing dose of goodness that it makes you want to life this type of “Why not?” lifestyle too.
You will think to yourself, “What?! No way!!” on more than one occasion in this book. The stories really are incredible!
Bob Goff's relatable tone makes the book a warm and welcoming invitation to explore what it really could mean if we simply let go of our fears and societal pretenses so that we could simply say “yes” to authentic love in action for others.
Good Books to Read: Christian Fiction
Redeeming Love
by Francine Rivers
This book. (If you were sitting next to me, I would be holding it close to my chest and shaking my head in disbelief).
Redeeming Love will rip your heart open and sew it back together at the same time. That's the only way I can describe it.
I've probably read it three or four times (more than any other fiction book) and know the story inside and out and it still gets me every time! That's because the story itself is an overarching allegory of the boundless, unmatched, relentless love of God.
Every time I read this novel, it hits me in fresh new way and ministers deeply to my soul. Read this book with a prayer journal (and tissues) nearby because you will be touched and moved (and won't be able to put it down)!
Note: While the author does a fantastic job of keeping the story clean, I will warn you that there are some incredibly intense (and possibly disturbing) scenes in this book, especially in the beginning. I do think that young women especially need to read this book, but I would definitely wait until my daughter's late teen years to share this with her.
Good Book to Read: Fiction
All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel
All the Light We Cannot See
by Anthony Doerr
Non-Christian fiction is always tricky for me. I want to keep up on the latest fiction book releases, but I have been burned too many times by books with inappropriate content, so I often don't consider them.
However, I heard over and over about All the Light We Cannot See (from multiple people) that it was an absolute “must read.” I mean, it won the Pulitzer Prize, for goodness sake!
So (last summer!) I put my name on this list to reserve a library copy. And literally, just a few weeks ago, a copy became available.
I loved the books' imagery and poetic retelling of life in Europe during World War II. The novel offers a fresh perspective on this fascinating time in history by telling the story of two everyday people caught up in the midst of this dramatic historical moment.
I'm recommending it with reservations since the book talks about some disturbing topics (the Holocaust, Hitler Youth, etc). You can check out the Plugged In book review to decide if it's a good fit for you.
Good Book to Read: Faith & Culture
How Should We Then Live?: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture
by Francis Schaeffer
This is an epic classic that I try to read every few years because of it's sheer brilliance to seamlessly tie the pieces of history together into one narrative.
How Should We Then Live? takes the reader on a heady journey from the fall of the Roman Empire to modern times, explaining how major cultural events (art, music, books) shifted the politics, economics and belief systems throughout the centuries.
It demonstrates over and over–through the telling of history–that God's truth must be the foundational truth for a society if it is to flourish.
When I first read it, I couldn't believe how history made so much more sense to me. I wish I'd had this book when I was sloughing through my high school history courses!
The book answers the very important question: “How did our western culture shift to its current state, and what should our response be?”
And with the highly volatile state of our current culture, this book is more relevant than ever.
I have begun reading parts of it to my kids to supplement our homeschool history studies, and when they are in high school, it will be required history reading for them.
It's not easy reading (Schaeffer can be a little wordy) but there's so much richness here! Truly a must read.
Good Book to Read: Self-Help
The Search For Significance: Seeing Your True Worth Through God's Eyes
The Search for Significance: Seeing Your True Worth Through God's Eyes
by Robert McGee
I read this book several years ago and I still think about the great power contained in its pages. It was life-changing for me.
We all wrestle with questions like, “Why am I here?” “Why have the events in my life happened to me?” and “Am I really worthy of love and acceptance by others?”
McGee describes how performance, approval, blame and shame have so many of us trapped and unable to experience the fullest life God wants to give us.
It is one of those books that you start thinking, “I'm not sure if this is for me…” and you finish with half a box of used tissue and a journal full of tear-stained pages.
One person in the reviews describes it as the perfect book for someone who has a head knowledge of God, but has somehow disconnected their heart from the depths of God's love for them.
I would agree, and I included it here because I know so many moms in this place (even if they don't realize it). I still find myself here sometimes too.
If you find yourself wrestling with some deep spiritual issues right now, this is a wonderful reminder that your true worth is in Christ. This could be the life transformation you need this summer!
Business Good Book to Read:
EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches
EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches
by Dave Ramsey
Many of us moms have small businesses we manage (like, hello, running a website?!), and Dave Ramsey's EntreLeadership is a compact book full of rich wisdom on starting and running a successful business.
I love how these principles are applicable to any business–whether a multi-million dollar corporation or a home-based entrepreneur.
And I trust Dave's advice because my husband and I not only paid off $100K in debt through his savvy money-management lifestyle strategies, but Dave is someone who has both succeeded and failed in business so he understands what works and what doesn't.
This book is never far from my nightstand, and I would highly recommend it to any fellow entrepreneur mom!
Good Books to Read: Parenting
Six Ways to Keep the Little in Your Girl
Six Ways to Keep the “Little” in Your Girl: Guiding Your Daughter from Her Teens to Her Tweens
by Dannah Gresh
I have an eight-year-old, and she is the only girl in a house full of boys.
It's been evident since the day she was born that this fiery, passionate little girl (with a tender, compassionate heart) was made very differently from her brothers.
Since the beginning, I have loved her femininity. And, truth be told, I have also been terrified of it, mainly because I remember that transition to womanhood in the teen years (and the sometimes-bumpy road).
From the first chapter, the book is honest and candid about what our girls are facing and will go through in this transition (which, at one point, made me put the book down because I wasn't emotionally ready to handle it yet!).
What will keep you reading is the hope, encouragement and practical tips found in the pages. It shares how we as moms can confidently lead our girls through this transition, and that we don't have to succumb to the fears we may have for them as they progress through the teen years. Great stuff, indeed.
Raising Kingdom Kids: Giving Your Child a Living Faith
Raising Kingdom Kids: Giving Your Child a Living Faith
by Tony Evans
Our church just recently went through a parenting series and they used Raising Kingdom Kids as the basis for the teaching.
I enjoyed reading it because not only does Tony give excellent parenting advice about raising children to love God, you hear stories from his children (many of them well-known themselves for their own Christian teaching ministry) about what it was like to grow up in a house with a “kingdom mindset.”
If you'd like to raise kids that pass on the baton of Christian faith, Raising Kingdom Kids is a great read!
Good Book to Read: Marriage
Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy?
Sacred Marriage
by Gary Thomas
The book's subtitle sums it up well: “What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?”
This book is a refreshing glimpse at what our marriages could look like if we are willing to step out of the way and let God use the trials and imperfections to bring spiritual transformation. There's lots of great “food-for-thought” material in here.
My spouse and I worked through the book together and it sparked some great discussion on how God can use some of our biggest struggles to bring us closer to Him (both as a couple and individually).
This is a super read if you're willing to take a fresh new look at how God may want to work in your marriage!
There you have it! These are my top 14 books to read this summer!
Here they are in one place:
The Magnolia StorySame Kind of Different As Me: A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together
Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
How Far Can You Go?: My 25-Year Quest to Walk Again
Redeeming Love
All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel
How Should We Then Live? (L'Abri 50th Anniversary Edition): The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture
The Search For Significance: Seeing Your True Worth Through God's Eyes
EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches
Six Ways to Keep the
Raising Kingdom Kids: Giving Your Child a Living Faith
Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy?
Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and RedemptionLove Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World
Which book looks most interesting to you?
Other Great Christian Books for Women
P.S. Looking for marriage devotionals, women's Bible studies or books on prayer for your reading time? Check out these other recommended good books to read here:
7 Must-Read Couples Devotionals to Bless Your Marriage
9 Incredible Christian Books for Women's Bible Studies
Great Christian Books for a Powerful Prayer Life
Enjoy all of these good reads! Let me know in the comments which books are your favorite, or if you have any to add to the list.
And if you loved this list, would you share it with a friend? There's always someone asking, “What is a good book to read?” so let's pin this post and share some good books!
Perfect! Thanks, Jess! I hope you have a chance to read a few this summer!
Thank you so much, Jae! 🙂
I’ve added a few of these to my ‘to read’ list for the summer – thanks for the reccs! 🙂 #FridayFrivolity
I featured your post in this week’s Learn & Play Link Up. Thank you for sharing! – Jae of The Pinay Homeschooler
Wonderful! Yes, Unbroken is fabulous. Such a powerful message, especially for young boys. The young adult version is on the list for my boys to read too! Thanks for sharing!
Awesome! Thank you so much!
Oh wow… no I didn’t know there was a sequel! I’ll have to check it out! 🙂 Thanks!
Thank you so much for choosing me as your favorite! Yes, I’ve had that experience many times too with a book. It makes me want to be extra cautious with non-Christian fiction too.
Love how you broke down your list by categories. I also ADORE the book Unbroken. It is one of my all-time favorites, and I hope my son reads the younger version soon. I am going to have to check out that parenting book. My daughter is only six, and I love her innocence. I want to preserve it as long as possible under God’s care. Thanks for sharing at the #LMMLinkup.
What an awesome list!! I have added a few from here that I haven’t yet read (especially the Laura Hildenbrand one) to add to my summer reading. Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestions and for sharing to the Monday Mish Mash Link Party!
I read Same Kind of Different As Me several years ago and thought it was great. Did you know there is a sequel to it? It’s called What Difference Do It Make? It is also excellent. I am happy to hear there is a movie coming out about the first one. I’ve read other books by Francis Schaeffer and seen the videos of “How Should We Then Live.” They are excellent. The other books you mention also sound interesting. Thanks so much for sharing at #LMMLinkup!
Thanks for sharing with us on Literacy Musing Mondays this week. I selected your post as my favorite of the week. I find reading non-Christian fiction tricky too. I just read Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick. It is really a page-turner, but toward the end the author started using inappropriate language which really caused me to want to put the book down. I was hooked though and wanted to find out what happens in the story. I am reluctant to review the book on my blog because of this.
Yes, I love those books as well! Unbroken should be required reading for every high school history student!
Yay! Sounds like there will be more than a few of us reading that this summer… 🙂
Yes, Redeeming Love is for sure one of my favorites. I hope you can check out some of the non-fiction ones I’ve listed here too!
Yes, I’m really loving it so far. It’s very rich and the writing is so eloquent. Hope you get a chance to check it out!
Great! I hope you’re able to find some available in Germany! Happy reading! 🙂
I get so excited to see new bookish posts linked up at Small Victories Sunday Linkup. I loved Unbroken, an incredible story and certainly puts our difficulties into perspective. I’d love to read All the Light and Dave Ramsey’s book as well. Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup last week. Pinning to our linkup board and hope you joined us again this weekend.
All the night we cannot see – is in my list too!
Thanks for the list. In the summer I usually indulge in lots of Christian historical fiction and other fiction. 🙂 The only book I’ve read on your list is Redeeming Love. I need to be better about including non-fiction in my book diet!
I want to read All the Light We Cannot See. Hoping to make it a part of my summer!
Awesome, thanks! I already have a big list, but several of these look intriguing. I’ll have to see if they’re on Amazon.de (we’re living in Germany).