trusting God difficult times | trusting god in difficult times | bible verses hard times | having faith god through difficult times | have faith god during hard times | trusting god tough times | trust God during difficult times | trusting God during difficult times


  1. Thank you so much. 🙂 🙂 Yes, we can have happiness through any circumstance and any situation because our happiness is based on the unshakeable truths of God’s promises! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Beautiful. I will be sharing this with my 15 Days of Gratitude Challenge Members. Love that you stated that thanksfulness is not about being happy or feel that all is perfect, it is about faith and hope and trust.

  3. Love this! Thankfulness can simply be an offering: a hope and a faith put in a promise yet to be fulfilled. It’s a faith in believing God’s truth that “all situations work together for those who love God and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

  4. Agreed. When I’ve traveled to other countries on short term missions, that is always the first thing that strikes me too, Susan! Perspective makes such a difference!

  5. Contentment is something that can be learned. It is so foreign in the American way of life. I noticed in Guatemala where I grew up, that a large amount of people were content even in their poverty.

  6. Wonderful! Yes, it is possible to give thanks at all times and in all circumstances. I wrote this when our family was enduring some hardships, and we’re continuing to face them. But I can truly testify that God’s peace is with us and is surrounding us! Being grateful and thankful has opened the doors for me to remain in His peace during this time.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here with us!

  7. This is a such a great reminder, especially during a time when people to believe that life has to be perfect or something is terribly wrong. Life isn’t perfect, and in that imperfection you have to find beauty. thanks for sharing this, i loved reading it! #SmallVictoriesSundaylinkup

  8. Phyllis, I’m so glad to hear this! Yes, we’ve been having some issues the last few days with the site. But you’re right–it sounds like God made it available right when you needed it! Blessings to you in this new year.

  9. I’ve had trouble opening this for several days. But today when I really needed it it popped right up. Guess the Lord was saving it for today. Thanks for sharing these insights.

  10. Great reminder. Being “thankful” and being “happy” aren’t always the same thing! We are to “give thanks” for those lost car keys (that may have resulted in us not being involved in an auto accident) or maybe allowed us to witness to someone on the elevator that we would have otherwise missed. We don’t always SEE why God allowed that “trial” in our life, but we still need to be thankful for it. God sees the BIG PICTURE!
    Thanks for sharing with #WhatToReadWednesday. Hope to see you again next week!

  11. Hi there! Yes, I think we will always have “something” that’s challenging or imperfect. That’s why I think he’s calling us to seek this deeper level of giving thanks. It’s never easy, but knowing that He loves us makes the pain have purpose. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  12. What a powerful message. Honestly we go through something every year it seems. God helps us through it thank goodness. That’s what I’m thankful for his strong hands! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty

  13. Susan, these are wise words here. It sounds like there was great pain around that holiday for you for a long time (and understandably so). I’m so grateful that things don’t have to always make sense (or to be perfect) for God to redeem them. Thank you for sharing your heart here and for your testimony to His faithfulness.

  14. This is something I just addressed with our teens, and it is something I admit I struggle with. I feel like I have been covering up the damage done by complaining when I call it “venting” to girlfriends. I need to work on keeping my attitude hopeful instead of feeding the struggle.

  15. My dad passed away on Thanksgiving Day when I was 12, and for awhile it was difficult for me to feel thankful or celebrate anything without him. But the Lord is faithful, and although we feel sorrow, we can choose to be grateful for what we have and find sufficiency in Christ for what we don’t.

  16. Deb, thank you for sharing this. I completely agree… we all struggle with not having a perfect picture of that “Hallmark image” (as you so aptly stated it). So sometimes it’s easier to just not really give our authentic thanks. Sometimes it’s easier to stay numb and to not process those deeper emotions. My purpose in the post is to encourage us all (myself included) to dig deep and to discover how to find that authentic thanksgiving in the midst of the imperfect… because God is calling us to it! Thank you for your encouraging words here… Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  17. I can’t think of a family that doesn’t need this post. Everyone struggles and we get this idea that the holidays should be Hallmark commercial perfect. And disappointment sets in. Thank you for sharing truth and practical tips to help us be thankful in all circumstances. Blessings to you.

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