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  1. I need all of the inspiration I can get! Thanks for sharing this with us at the Funtastic Friday Blog Hop! I’ve selected this post as one of my “favorites” to be featured in this Friday’s Blog Hop 🙂

  2. Hi Ann! Yes, I love that one too. There’s freedom and power in knowing that God isn’t done with us yet, no matter where we are in life! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. The C.S. Lewis one about never being too old is SO encouraging to me! It’s easy to think that the best part of our life is behind us and that we’re stuck in whatever place we’re in right now. But life is not static. It is always changing, and we can change with it! Good stuff! Thanks for linking up at Frugal Friday! 🙂

  4. Thank you, Elizabeth! I’m so glad they are an encouragement! Which book are you referring to (“Plan to Be Flexible” or “The Back to School Survival Manual”)? I’d love to hear how they’ve been a help!

  5. Wow, these are great. I really appreciate your blog and book! It inspires me to try more and go farther, to be more for my kids as well. Thanks for sharing these posters!

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