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  1. I love the idea of setting goals with children! Too often, I think, we overlook their dreams because they are so young, “they don’t know what they want” or “what they are talking about.” But if we just let them dream, and encourage it, and yes even experience the natural failings of life, they will learn so much more than from just brushing it aside. Love this post! <3

  2. Hi Pat! Thank you! I’m so glad you found this helpful! Yes, I try to have a conversation with each of my kids about goal setting every year around this time. I think it’s an incredibly important habit for kids to develop, and this is a natural time to talk about it!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well! Blessings!

  3. What a wonderful post, Alicia! I think we all shortchange kids when we don’t encourage them to make plans for the future they’re dreaming of… Goal-setting is vital! I’ve been encouraging my kids to try a Word of the Year lately, something I’ve done for the past few years. I was so easily discouraged when I failed at my New Year’s resolutions that I stopped doing ANY of that for a few years. I use my Word as a filter of sorts and find that it not only helps me decide what to focus on, but it also helps me to engage that oh-so-hard-to-deliver response: “No!” (Even followed by a “thank you”, it’s still hard to say sometimes 😉 )
    Wishing you and yours a very, very Merry Christmas!

  4. I have such a hard time making resolutions with my kids since I’m so bad at setting and following them myself. Changing habits– that’s hard work! 🙂

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