45: How to Manage Holiday Triggers
Listen, we don’t always have a choice about our “must do” holiday activities (or people we may encounter that can trigger us emotionally), but we do always have a choice in how we perceive and respond to these holiday triggers.
In today's episode, you'll learn how to set up boundaries to protect yourself emotionally and physically this holiday season from these holiday triggers and minimize holiday stress.
You are in charge of your physical and emotional energy this Christmas! Let's talk about how to recognize Christmas stress (what some call “festive stress”) and manage holiday triggers so that you can still enjoy a peaceful, joyful holiday season.
- How to eliminate potential holiday stress and holiday drama
- Ways to tactfully put up boundaries around difficult people in order to protect your emotions
- How to prepare yourself emotionally and physically for holiday drainers
- Specific tips for replenish yourself should a holiday drainer occur
Let’s talk about how to protect yourself from those holiday situations that may drain you so that, yes, you CAN STILL enjoy God’s peace and His joy this Christmas.
Related Podcast Episodes:
Create a Restful Holiday Season with the “Holidays Without Overwhelm” Masterclass
- everything you need to create a flexible, week-by-week rhythm for your family that’s based on your capacity
- planning tools to keep your holiday season organized
- relaxing Christian affirmation audio that keep you calm and your mind in the right place, and;
- a special 5-day Christmas Bible study on calm