This mom has done homeschool preschool FOUR TIMES now and gets how to keep homeschool preschool simple, easy and FUN! You've got to see her awesomely simple methods and resources... she shows you through several VIDEOS in this post!!


  1. These are great suggestions! I love how you’ve organized the tubs by different skills. Like you, I want to keep it simple! I did plan a curriculum though, because I wanted to intentionally choose some living texts and not get stuck in a one-subject rut! I tried to leave room for flexibility and I left a lot of time unstructured. Play is the most important thing for young children!

  2. I have a 2 year old now he turns 3 in March, so I am slowly starting preschool things with him.. I am happy a friend showed me this because now it is so much easier! He is my first home school kid and my daughter is 6 months old so I will definitely be using everything I learn for her brnefit too

  3. LOL Susan! Thank you so much! Yes, overall, the message is “it’s-ok-don’t-freak-out”! 😉 Which is not always easy to do for us moms, right?!

  4. My preschool days are far in the past, so I don’t always feel comfortable offering advice or making recommendations to my preschool-homeschool friends. So Thank You for this wonderful post with so many simple, useful, it’s-ok-don’t-freak-out tips. Now I can just send preschooling parents to you!

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