How do you answer the question of "am I doing enough homeschool"--especially during the tough seasons? Vibrant Homeschooling

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  1. Lisa, thank you for your comments! Yes, those learning opportunities are everywhere we go!! 🙂 It sounds like you’ve got a future handyman in the works there. 🙂

  2. Oh moving is so hard when you battle the “is it enough” thoughts! We moved last year – with a 3 week old super clingly baby – and it took me about 6 weeks to unpack everything. (I just don’t function well trying to school when surrounded by boxes.) The kids got lots of real life work during that time. 🙂 Your story about the inspector and your kids reminds me of how much my 5 year old loves when the repair man comes. (Which is frequent enough in our 100+ year old farmhouse!) I consider that his schooling for that day as he follows whichever repairman is here around and asks a zillion questions and watches like a hawk. 🙂

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