How do you cope with overwhelm and stress--especially when in survival mode? This homeschool mom shares 10 things she and her kids are learning right now to live in the moment and keep joy alive during overwhelming life seasons.

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  1. Love these printable they are beautifully designed and have a wonderful message can’t wait to frame them and put them up in my home. Thank you

  2. Oh, how I love this, Genice!! God is SO present in our struggles and we can even see His handiwork in our children’s faces! Fantastic! I too am convinced that “a thankful heart moves mountains.” A gorgeous thought! And it blesses me immensely to hear that anything I write would encourage you to glorify Him more! Thank you for sharing that! Blessings to you today!

  3. Great info, thanks! I make a conscious effort to refuse to be busy. Or maybe I should say that is my goal and I work at it. Sometimes I tell myself, “I am not in a hurry so don’t act like it.” And I make myself slow down and be in the moment. I like your note taking idea. I do that as well except I use notes in my phone. That way I know where all my notes/ideas/plans are; otherwise, I might stress about which idea is on which note lol! The other thing I do is, I take about a minute or two (or 30 seconds lol) and I look at my children. I really look at them. I look at their eye lashes, their little hands, lips, chin or just something I love about them that reminds me of who they are. I love watching my youngest paint and draw or play in the dirt. I love to see my oldest in her fashion du’jour because she’s talented in areas where I struggle. All this reminds me they are fearfully and wonderfully made and I thank God for them! I am convinced a thankful heart moves mountains! Thank you for your blog! I really helps me be a wife/friend/mom who glorifies God!

  4. “Today doesn’t have to be perfect to be good.” That quote really resonates with me. Last year I focused very intentionally on living in the now, so this post really speaks to me. # 10 is where I’m working today: “10) Accept His provision for this moment and choose joy.” Thanks, Alicia!

  5. Cindy, thanks! Yes, I think it’s a constant re-evaluation of what’s going on right now in this second, and trying to just be there then. It’s totally something that I’m working myself into too! 🙂

  6. Oh, I love this! Really great tips. I find myself needing to do this more and more as my kids grown. I find even standing up, stretching and walking around the kitchen is helpful. I try to live my day in chunks and be fully present in each segment (try…being key there ;)). great post.

  7. Grace, thank you for sharing! God is incredible with His timing! Love it!! Your day sounds wonderful… sometimes our best days are the most simple ones. 🙂 Blessings to you as we (both) work out how to live in the moment and to discover God’s rich treasures there. 🙂

  8. I just told myself today, that I have to reset and choose to live in the moment, and then I read your blog. I love how God works like that. Todays moments was playing doctor with my daughter, crazy eights with my son, random hugs from my other son. Watching my husband carve out time for each child. I am thankful for God’s many blessings!

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