Are you stressed and frustrated about all the back to school chaos? All the pressure to have a perfect year with your kids? If so, you've got to read these truths! You DON'T have to be overwhelmed by back to school!


  1. Hi Jen! Yes, it’s a tough transition for sure. We have had some schedule changes around our house too and I have really been trying to ease myself back onto a “normal” school routine. We don’t officially start until the end of the month, but I’m slowly trying to add that “school rhythm” back into our days. Thank you for sharing your story too!

  2. I definitely relate to this! And on top of the back-to-school schedule change, my husband moved to second shift. Let’s just say this mama has been a little crazy this week. 🙂 I’ve been struggling with Truth number 5 and realized how much I was believing some of the enemy’s lies this week. Thanks for sharing this encouragement over at Grace and Truth!
    Jen @ Being Confident of This

  3. I remember this feeling so well. This year is the first year our kids are not going back to school under our roof. Instead, we’ll be taking our youngest to college in a few days. My overwhelm go the other direction–what will it be like without her home. Have a great school year!

  4. I dread back to school days! But I’m hoping I’m not going to stress about it when the time comes to send them to school! #FridayFrivolity

  5. I can imagine I would be very overwhelmed with homeschooling. I’m overwhelmed already knowing activities start next week and school the week after that. Lots to do. Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup last week. Pinning to our linkup board and hope you join us again this weekend.

  6. Kristy,

    Yes, we ALL “mess something up” as you said! I’m trying to set my goals high for what I want to do, but I’m still trying to live in the reality of the fact that I absolutely won’t do it perfectly… and THAT’S OK! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! 🙂

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