47 Best Christian Audio Stories for Kids
Our family has a confession: we love Christian audio stories for kids! When other moms see our (overflowing) audio drama collection, we're often asked, “Which are the best audio dramas for kids?”
And that's why I wrote this post. I finally decided to write down all those awesome titles in one place. Audio dramas for kids are wonderful for teaching character traits like perseverance or commitment.
Kids audio dramas are perfect for long car rides or just driving around town. Seriously, they're my secret weapon for long road trips!
These kids audio books and audio dramas also double as wonderful summer learning activities for kids.
I want to give you the inside scoop on which are the best audio stories for kids so you and your family can enjoy these fabulous, family-friendly dramatized audio books too.
What Exactly Are Christian Audio Dramas for Kids?
The best way I can describe these audio stories for kids is that they are “like watching a movie in your mind.” Each of these kids audio dramas include sound effects, and all include extremely talented voice actors playing each of the different roles. Kids are enchanted by them!
Audio dramas are a fantastic way to redeem the (sometimes overwhelming) amount of time we have to spend in the car, teach kids timeless character qualities, and allow kids to go on exciting adventures and meet fascinating people!
We consider kids audio stories as an incredible investment in our children's spiritual and mental education. They make wonderful gifts, and of course, they're a godsend on long car trips!
Kids audio dramas are also fantastic Christmas presents or birthday gifts!
Our family listens to these stories over and over again! I know that your kids will fall in love with them too!
Note: Since many of the best kids audio dramas are Christian, most can't be found at a library. That's why I've included the Amazon links for each of them here (thank you for ordering from them and helping to support this free online ministry to families worldwide!).
Our #1 Recommended Christian Audio Stories for Kids
If you experience no other dramatized audio books, you absolutely must listen to this one! Focus on the Family's audio drama version of The Chronicles of Narnia series is unparalleled.
This audio drama is so well done and provides hours and hours of wholesome, quality entertainment for the whole family. Every family we've recommended this to has raved about it!
The Chronicles of Narnia Collector's Edition (Radio Theatre)
The Chronicles of Narnia audio drama follows the plot line of C.S. Lewis' all-time favorite children's literature series. The stories of Edmund, Peter, Susan and Lucy–along with the account of Aslan the Lion, an allegorical portrayal of Christ–vividly come to life in this incredible kids audio drama.
It is simply one of the best dramatized audio books we've ever listened to. You've got to check it out!
Audio Books for Kids About Perseverance
Are you looking specifically for kids audiobooks that teach about perseverance? You'll find a great list of those (along with a list of book about perseverance and movies about perseverance for kids) here:
Ultimate List of Books and Movies About Perseverance for Kids
I have grouped the rest of the recommended audio stories for kids by the different audio drama producers since there's only a few creating most of the work.
Focus on the Family Christian Audio Dramas for Kids
The Focus on the Family Radio Theatre audio dramas are simply awesome for the whole family! Focus produced the Narnia series, and a huge number of other quality radio dramas such as the following titles.
Many of these Christian audio stories for kids are based on classic literature, or on the amazing, true-life accounts of historical figures. You can't go wrong with any of these awesome audio dramas for kids!
The Hiding Place (Radio Theatre)Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom (Radio Theatre)
The Legend of Squanto (Radio Theatre)
C. S. Lewis at War: The Dramatic Story Behind Mere Christianity (Radio Theatre)
The Screwtape Letters
The Screwtape Letters: First Ever Full-cast Dramatization of the Diabolical Classic (Radio Theatre)
Oliver Twist (Radio Theatre)
A Christmas Carol (Radio Theatre)
Anne of Green Gables (Audio Drama)
The Secret Garden (Radio Theatre)
Les Miserables (Radio Theatre)
Silas Marner (Audio Drama)
Ben-Hur (Radio Theatre)
Billy Budd, Sailor (Radio Theatre)
Traveling Home for Christmas (Audio Drama)
Amazing Grace: The Inspirational Stories of William Wilberforce, John Newton, and Olaudah Equiano (Radio Theatre)
The Life of Jesus (Audio Drama)
Adventures in Odyssey Audio Dramas for Kids
The Adventures in Odyssey audio stories for kids, also produced by Focus on the Family, are very well-known in the kids audio drama world. Chances are you've heard of them because they've been around for a long time and are well-loved by many.
However, did you know about the “other” Adventures in Odyssey audio stories for kids (the ones that aren't just about the regular “Odyssey” characters)?
These Adventures in Odyssey audio stories delve deep into the world of American history, biblical heroes and the importance of truth in our modern culture. Awesome learning tools here!
The Adventure Begins: The Early Classics (Adventures in Odyssey)For God and Country (Adventures in Odyssey)
Heroes: And Other Secrets, Surprises and Sensational Stories (Adventures in Odyssey)
The Truth Chronicles (Adventures in Odyssey)
Bible Eyewitness Collector's Set (Adventures in Odyssey)
Bible Eyewitness: The Hall of Faith: 12 Stories of the Bible's Greatest Heroes (Adventures in Odyssey)
Jonathan Park Science-Themed Kids Audio Stories
My kids love this series as a fun way to learn about creation-based science.
These kids audio adventures are action-packed stories about a paleontologist (Dr. Park), his son (Jonathan), their family (plus another family, the Brennans) as they travel around the world investigating scientific discoveries and defending the evidence for a creator.
The Jonathan Park series talks about some pretty complex theories and use many scientific terms, but do so in a kid-friendly way (and in a way that keeps a child's attention).
It's a great passive way to teach about the creation message and to learn science!
Jonathan Park Volume 1: The Adventure BeginsJonathan Park: No Looking Back, Vol. 2
Jonathan Park Volume 3: The Winds of Change
Jonathan Park, Vol. 4: The Hunt for Beowulf
Jonathan Park Volume V: The Explorers Society: Jonathan Park Radio Drama (Jonathan Park)
Jonathan Park Volume VI: The Journey Never Taken (Jonathan Park Radio Drama) (MP3)
Jonathan Park Volume VII: The Voyage Beyond (Jonathan Park Radio Drama) (MP3)
Jonathan Park Volume 8: The Copper Scroll
Jonathan Park, Vol. 9: The Whispering Sphinx
Jonathan Park, Vol. 10: The Journey Home
Lamplighter Theatre Christian Audio Dramas
Ahh… Lamplighter. There's just something dignified about these audio dramas for kids!
This company dusts off some amazing (and in most cases, hundreds of years old) high-quality literature and produces powerful audio dramas from these classics. These stories are rich with characters that exhibit moral fortitude.
I also love that the Lamplighter audio dramas ooze oodles of character training opportunities without being preachy or forced. You've got to check these out!
The Captive: Lamplighter Theatre (Dramatic Audio)Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince: Lamplighter Theatre (Dramatic Audio)
Charlie's Choice : Lamplighter Theatre (Dramatic Audio)
The Basket of Flowers : Lamplighter Theatre (Dramatic Audio)
The Hedge of Thorns : Lamplighter Theatre (Dramatic Audio)
Buried in the Snow Dramatic Audio (Lamplighter Theatre)
The Wanderer Dramatic Audio (Lamplighter Theatre)
The White Gypsy Dramatic Audio (Lamplighter Theatre)
Jessica's Journey Dramatic Audio
The Unexpected Return : Lamplighter Theatre (Dramatic Audio)
A Peep Behind the Scenes by Lamplighter Theatre (Dramatic Audio)
Heirloom Audio Productions Audio Dramas for Kids
These Christian audio stories for kids are relatively new to our family, but we have loved them so far!
Heirloom's audio dramas for kids are crafted around famous historical characters (as told in G.A. Henty's famous books) and bring incredible stories of history to life in ways never known before!
These are such an excellent way to share some of the greatest history stories in a fun, interactive way!
Under Drake's Flag: The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. HentyBeric the Briton – The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty
The Dragon and the Raven – The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A Henty
In the Reign of Terror – The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty
In Freedom's Cause the Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty
With Lee in Virginia: The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty
The Cat of Bubastes – The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty
The Brinkman Adventures Audio Stories for Kids
Here's another set of fascinating kids audio dramas: The Brinkman Adventures! I got score of great comments about these Christian audio stories for kids.
Here's a brief description:
“Powerful stories from the lives of real missionaries come to life through the wild and crazy escapades of the Brinkman family. These adventures will strengthen your faith and inspire young and old to follow Jesus with abandon!”
Sounds awesome, right?
The Brinkman Adventures Season 1 Audio CDsThe Brinkman Adventures Season 2 Audio CDs
The Brinkman Adventures, Season 3
Down Gilead Lane Kids Audio Dramas
Here's another great set of Christian audio stories for kids that teaches faith-based values in a fun way.
“Down Gilead Lane” by Christian Bible Hour (CBH) is awesome for teaching kids about how to handle life problems with a godly perspective!
When Push Comes to Love (Down Gilead Lane)Down Gilead Lane, Season 1: Crazy Grace
Down Gilead Lane, Season 3: Cosmic Confusion
Down Gilead Lane, Season 4
Down Gilead Lane, Season 5
Down Gilead Lane, Season 6
Down Gilead Lane, Season 7
Down Gilead Lane, Season 8
Down Gilead Lane Season #9
Down Gilead Lane, Season 10
Phew! What a list! I'm guessing that these best kids audio dramas can keep your family busy in the car (and lots of other places!) for quite a while, don't you think?!
Enjoy and let us know in the comments which ones your family loves best!
Other Related Posts You'll Love:
- Ultimate List of Books and Movies About Perseverance for Kids
- 10 Ways to Teach and Connect During Car Time
- Amazing Summer Learning Activities for Kids
Did you enjoy this list of top christian audio stories for kids? If so, please pin and share it so others can hear about these kids audio dramas too!
Hi Penny! I think it depends on the maturity of your child, but we’ve started our kids on the Narnia audio dramas and they seem to glean great wisdom and encouragement from it at all ages. Hope that’s helpful!
Nice and fantastic collection every kid will love it.I recommend to all parents to opt these books.
Thanks for all the awesome suggestions. I’m wondering which one will be suitable for a 5-year-old? Thanks!
I had this audio cassette book as a child in the early 90s (and maybe late 80s, I don’t recall). It’s long gone now, and I cannot remember its name. I’ve tried, unsuccessfully, to find its name several times over the years. I remember each sibling had a glass heart. One of them was blue, and I believe the other was red. I don’t remember which was broken. There was a mentor-type adult character, too, though I can’t remember much about him beyond the fact that it was a guy. And there were some songs on the casette as part of the story as well.
If anyone knows the name of this audio book, please post it. Just to get this nagging half-memory out of my head.
Hmmm! I haven’t heard of that one. Maybe someone else here has?
I remember hearing a christian read along in the late 90s. I have been searching for the name of the story and I’ve had no luck! All i can remember was it was about a sister and brother and they were going to a radio show. To play the song you needed a glass heart and one of them broke theirs. I loved it so much and i know my kids would love it too!
Perfect! Thank you for sharing about other radio dramas and Christian audio stories!
I know this is an old post, but a few other vintage radio dramas one can obtain on CD or mp3 are:
The Sugar Creek Gang, Sailor Sam, Ranger Bill…these may be worth checking out for those interested in past works, then there are the Red Rock Mysteries…all of these would be okay for the younger set, as they are less intense, but still entertaining and teach some values.
Uncle Bob’s Nature Corner is a great young kids creation story with about 500 story’s for $50 on mp3 drive.
Hi Jennifer! Hmmm… I’m not sure. I would say that Adventures in Odyssey are some of the milder ones. Perhaps it might make sense to wait until your kids are a bit older or only choose those episodes that you’ve pre-screened?
Are there any that are particularly good for younger children (6 and under)? Some of the themes in Adventures in Oddesey are a little too intense for my sensitive kids. Thanks for this great list!
Hmmm… I’m not sure I’ve heard of an audio drama with this message! If anyone else has, please reply in this thread. Thanks, Lucy!
Not sure if you or anyone else would know the answer to this but I’ve been searing for a particular story for years. I used to listen to it over and over again. I remember there was a boy who wanted new skates but had to earn them so he sold a bunch of his things to get the money for them. There is a song in the story that says, “I want, I want, I want, I want, I want, I need! There are so many things I want, so many things I need”. That’s about all I can remember about the story. I know it was basically about selfishness. This story would have been released in the mid to late 80’s. Thank you to anyone who can help!
Perfect! Thanks for sharing about those other audio dramas, Rachel! I’ll have to check them out.
Wonderful stories! My siblings and I also enjoy listening to the Kingdom series and the Knights of Arrethtrae audio dramas by Chuck Black. Medieval type stories that parallel stories in the Bible in a very engaging way.
Eric, Maybe I misunderstood your comment. Jonathan Park is all about science! The entire series is all about how teaching science and creation together. Actually, your last few sentences “faith and science working together towards the same goal, truth. If we honestly have faith in God, then we should also have faith that by looking at creation it will give us evidence of God. Science is the study of God’s creation, we shouldn’t be scared of that, we should embrace it. God is revealed both through scripture and through the creation.” sound like they were taken right out of a JP episode! They continuously use creation to point toward evidence of God. Every episode is filled with science, nature, the bible, and how they all work together. We love the entire series and have learned a lot from them!
Thanks for this list! You should definitely look into Your Story Hour (www.yourstoryhour.org). They have a bible story series, true stories series, & historical series. We are listening to the story of Henry Ford right now! These stories are all dramatized well and are accurate. Some are short (25 min) while others are long (Henry Ford is about 1 hour and George Washington is about 2 hours). But here is one of the BEST things about YSH…. You have the option to download individual stories for only $2.00 each! I love Jonathan Park and Adventures in Odyssey but I can’t always afford to fork out $20-$40 at one time. I love that I can go to YST and spend $8.00 and get enough new stories for that weekend’s trip!!!
I love the BBC Chronicles of Narnia series, the more people who get exposed to C.S. Lewis the better. However I’m extremely opposed to and saddened by the continued anti-science of things like Jonathan Park. The Church doesn’t have a great track record with being opposed to science, and this is still an area where some Christians are doing themselves a disservice by not being open to the overwhelming evidence of an old earth. Not just scientific evidence, but lots of strong biblical support as well. I also think parents are doing their children a disservice by not being open to faith and science working together towards the same goal, truth. If we honestly have faith in God, then we should also have faith that by looking at creation it will give us evidence of God. Science is the study of God’s creation, we shouldn’t be scared of that, we should embrace it. God is revealed both through scripture and through the creation.
Awesome! I’m so glad to hear this! Yes, that is our number one favorite!
What a great list! I’ll be saving it for later. My husband and I LOVE the Chronicles of Narnia Radio Theatre series…have listened to it many times! I can’t wait for my kids (now toddlers) to get juuuust a little older and be able to truly appreciate great listening content like the resources you’ve mentioned! Thanks for putting this together!
Fantastic! Thanks for the heads up! We’ll check it out!
There’s a new one out there by the original creators of Jonathan Park, it’s called Time Chroniclers. Check it out on TimeChroniclers.com.
I second Your Story Hour!
Just FYI for those who care about such things, the Heirloom Audio Productions seem to be Abridged from the authors original work. G.A. Henty is amazing for learning history, and I don’t know what they cut out, but from the ones we have read I would hate to miss anything. We have listened to several audio books of his and have loved them.
Awesome! Thank you, Katie, for sharing!
Great list Alicia! I wanted to be sure you knew about Patch the Pirate, Character Building Adventures by MajestyMusic.com. You can listen to a new free episode each week at PatchthePirate.org I grew up on them, and my kids are now learning the lessons and character songs. We LOVE them.
Hi Missy! Oooooh… that one sounds interesting! Thank you for sharing! I love hearing about new audio dramas!
Great list of audio dramas! We listened to most of these as the kids were growing up. I wholeheartedly agree that these are all quality audio dramas (with the exception of the C.S. Lewis ones – I haven’t heard any of those). My favorite Adventures in Odyssey is one not on the list…Album 57: The Green Ring Conspiracy! It is definitely worth listening to, but I would caution that it may be most suitable for teens and not small children.
Awesome! Yes, I’ve heard those are great!
Our family loves the Your Story Hour audio sets. Even we adults…
Hi Catherine! Yes, my husband and I are captivated by the stories too! They are a wonderful time of escape (and learning!) for all of us. 🙂 I hope you find some new classics from this list to share with your family!
Our kids love Adventures in Odyssey. So nice to see other options to add to our list. The kids and even us adults get so absorbed into the stories. Thanks so much for sharing!
Hmmm… I haven’t heard of that one! We’ll have to check it out! Thanks!
Not a Christian series but we LOVED the 39 Clues series. The reader is AMAZING!!! The books go around the world and include some historical fiction
Hi Li! I’m glad you enjoyed the list! Thank you for sharing and stopping by!
Great list! Thank you! Second for “The Brinkman Adventures.” First CDs that got us hooked on audio adventures. Blessings and thanks!
Hi Phyllis! Thanks for stopping by! Yes, one of the reasons why I put together this post is that many people asked me for a list of all of our family’s favorite audio dramas, and I have to admit that it’s been nice for me too to have a centralized list! Thank you for sharing!
Hi Eva! Yes, we love audio dramas! They are just the best! And thank you for the invite to your directory! I will add Vibrant Homeschooling to your list! 🙂
We are HUGE fans of audio dramas! Our current favorite is the Secret Garden. You have some cool suggestions that I will need to check out! I wonder, if you could stop by and add your wonderful blog to this Homeschool Blogs Directory. http://www.kidminds.org/p/top-homeschool-blogs-directory.html
We’ve listened to most of these. It’s nice to have a list of them. Pinning now!
That one looks great! Thank you for sharing. I am adding it to the list! 🙂
How about Jungle Doctor Collection 01. It’s 11 CDs of fabulous stories about an Australian Missionary doctor in Africa. Our whole family adore this set of stories. Highly recommend these.
Adventures in Odyssey and Down Gilead lane are great, there is also one by Your Story Hour, and Keys 4Kids, all very good.
My kids enjoy the Sugar Creek Gang.
Laura, thank you for featuring it! And I’m so glad that it has given you some ideas! They are so awesome for long road trips! 🙂 Blessings!
My girls already love alot of these. And I see some more that I want to get!! I pinned this.
This is great! I am excited to check lots of these out. We have listened to a few.
What a great list! Our family always listens to books on CD on our road trips, and we have a long one coming up this summer. Thanks to you I have plenty ideas! I will be featuring this post tomorrow at the Thoughtful Spot! Thanks for linking it up!
We have listened to most of these.
Hi everyone! I added “The Brinkman Adventures” and “Down Gilead Lane” to the post! Thanks for the great suggestions! I looked at some of the other suggestions given and while they also sounded good, many of these were audio books instead of audio dramas (meaning that they were narrated by one person instead of being a true audio drama with actors and sound effects, etc). If you guys think of more, let’s keep adding them!
I was also going to comment to suggest Brinkman Adventures 🙂 http://brinkmanadventures.com/about-us
The BBC used to produce wonderful dramatized audio programs, I do not know if they are still available….my oldest daughter is almost 31 and my youngest is 16, so we started the home school journey quite some time ago. We loved The Wind in the Willows, and the BBC productions of The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings. I know there is also a David Copperfield. We also loved the weekly series by World Vision called Jungle Jam and Friends.
Our family love the Brinkman Adventures too!
I love this list so much!! You missed the Brinkman Adventures, though. It’s sooo good and my kids request them more than any other audio drama.
We love Hank the Cowdog just for a good laugh.
Great list! We own at least half of them! 🙂 Thank you for sharing this week on the Art of Home-Making Mondays!
Thank you for the list! We have quite a few of these, but some of them are new and we are going to have to check them out!
Awesome, Rosie! Thanks for sharing. You guys are giving us even more awesome resources to check out!
I second the Brinkman Adventures. Our boys love listening to them over and over. 1 season usually lasts us for months as that is all they want to hear while we are in the car. It is neat to watch the kids pick up on different things are they get a bit older, or as they start to remember certain parts of the stories and so are able to focus in on other parts.
I’m loving these ideas! I will have to check these out! Thank you, Beth, for sharing!
We’ve loved many of these over the years (I have a 4 grown kids and a 10 year old), but I’d also add “Down Gilead Lane” from Childrens Bible Hour (or CBH as they now call themselves.) It’s a great family-oriented 12-season story about faith and how it looks in real life. My 10 year old and I have just discovered the Cooper Kids series audio dramas by Frank Peretti (my older kids read the books). They are “edge of the seat” suspenseful, but also faith affirming.
Wow, Cindy, now that sounds lovely. 🙂 What a great way to use audio dramas! Thanks for sharing!
Love this list! Our boys fall asleep every night to either Maestro’s Classics or A.A. Milne (Complete Tales and Poems).
Hi Jenn! Yes, our family never tires of listening to the Narnia series. Every time I listen to it, I am touched in a new way! And yes, Anne of Green Gables is also awesome!
Oooooh… I will have to check those out! Our family is always on the lookout for new audio dramas! Thanks for sharing!
We love audios! Since we live very remote we use them a lot! We love all that you mentioned but some others that we love are the Brinkman Adventures http://brinkmanadventures.com/ and Your Story Hour http://www.yourstoryhour.org
So many of these are favorite with my family! I’m excited to see a few new ideas though! We loved the Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe and And if Green a gables best of all, I think.
Thank you, Leanne! It feels great to have all of them in one spot. People have asked me several times over the years for my audio drama recommendations and now I have a place to send them. 🙂
These are great! Thanks for sharing, I’m pinning right now!