Do you have a sanctuary in your home for you and your husband? A place to talk about the tough issues? Somewhere where you can close the door and be real with each other? Creating a restful master bedroom retreat isn’t about spending thousands of dollars on creating a designer’s showcase. Instead, it’s about asking, “what kind of atmosphere do you want to encourage in your marriage?” Every single couple needs a place like this. Here’s how to create a restful master bedroom retreat for your marriage!

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  1. Hi Katie! Thanks so much for reaching out and for your interest in Your Vibrant Family. We are not accepting unsolicited guest posts on the site at this time. Best of luck to you!

  2. Hey,

    My name is Katie. I was wondering, do you accept guest posts on It’s about home improvement and stuff, so it would be a perfect fit for your blog and would greatly increase the traffic on your site. I’ll gladly send you over some sample articles if you like.

    Will be waiting for your response.

    All the Best,


  3. Hi Brooke! I don’t have anything specific that I’d say to include or not include in a small master bedroom space, but I do think that the smaller the space is the more of an impact each home decor piece makes. So perhaps it makes sense to include one or two key focal pieces that bring encouragement to your marriage (whether that’s an art print or wedding memento, etc). Simpler is usually better in a smaller space. Have fun creating a restful haven for you and your husband!

  4. Wonderful! I’m so thrilled to hear that. It sounds like God allowed you to read this at just the right time for you. I hope you’re encouraged to build a restful master bedroom for you and your husband! Blessings on you and your marriage!

  5. Thanks for this post! I have been feeling defeated with lack of respect in my home, plus my husband got on an airplane yesterday for the week! And we are closing on a new home this week so I’ve been trying to figure out what I want our bedroom to look and feel like. So…..this really hit the mark with me! Good things to ponder. Thanks!!

  6. Hi Amy! I’m so glad that this encouraged you to keep going in your marriage! Marriage can be incredibly tough, but it is worth working through all the issues (big and small). Hang in there and keep fighting for your marriage!

  7. i just wanted to say thank you this just popped up out of no where well we i know where, anyways it couldn’t have come to me at a better time than right now thank you i think I can actually say im ready to work on my marriage than throw in the towel which was almost the decision i was about to make. so thank you again it meant so much


  8. You are very blessed to have such a large space for your master BR. Lovely article. 🙂

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