Happiness in homeschooling is something that I've found in the most unexpected places. Here's how this mom discovered the secret to a happier learning life at home with her kids.

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  1. What a lovely, thoughtful post! I really enjoyed this big-picture look at homeschooling. 🙂 Thank you for sharing with us at #FridayFrivolity a couple of weeks ago! I’m a little late on my reading, but pinning and tweeting now. 🙂

  2. Hi Amanda! I love this! Yes! There are so many times when our learning rhythm gets hijacked (thankfully!) by a wonderful unstructured learning time that turns out better than anything I could have planned. Thank you for sharing!

  3. My daughter 9 only 1.5 years old, so we do Tot School. Most of our day is unstructured time and I plan on continuing this into her elementary years. I’ve learned so much from watching my daughter during unstructured time. And to be honest, some times she comes up with better learning activities than I would have thought of.

  4. So much power to home schooling parents and the commitment you make to make sure the little ones learn all they need in a safe and known environment. And creating a happy life for them. Thanks for sharing at the bloggers pit stop

  5. I agree that kids need to be kids! I homeschool my kids for preschool and I admit there’s probably a lot more play than structured learning but I like to think there’s a lot of learning happening while they’re playing with Legos or putting together a puzzle. Thanks for linking up with Funtastic Friday.

  6. I often find that our best days are those when we have no planned lessons! Just being together, watching life unfolding and discovering as we go usually leads to wonderful discussions and those moments of feeling that life is near perfect.

  7. Thank you so much for linking at #overthemoon! I look forward to seeing what you share every week. Please come back for #WonderfulWednesday or #ThursdayFavoriteThings. Don’t forget to comment your link #’s so I can be sure to visit and you get a chance to be featured! Pinned and shared.

  8. Yes, I agree. It can be so hard to put that teacher hat down, though, can’t it?! But you’re right, first and foremost, we are their mamas!! 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  9. This is truly grace-giving wisdom. Sometimes less is more. We’re their mum’s first, after all is said and done. It’s good to give the teacher hat a break!

  10. We’ve got acreage too. And goats and chickens. (We saw twin goats born earlier this month!) Right now though, we are focusing on wildflowers in our yard or along our road. Pick one or two a week, and identify. It’s funny how excited we all are to be able to point to a flower and know it’s name. But yes – just being outside IS certainly something! 🙂

  11. Hi Lisa! I love it! I know… there is so much learning that can happen when we just relax and let the wonder of God’s creation take over! I love the idea of having dedicated Nature Study time. We did that for a while but need to get back into the habit again. Often, in the late afternoons, the kids just wander around in the backyard and play/investigate (we have some acreage) and I think, “Well, that’s nature study, right?!” 🙂

  12. This post is a great reminder! I’ve been surprised this year how much my kids are learning during our weekly outings for nature study. I keep it loose but do schedule it to make sure it happens. One of my kids was highly resistant at first but we persisted and now he’s proud of all his learning. When they WANT to learn …. wow … what a difference. 🙂

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