How to Flirt with Your Husband | how to flirt with husband | flirting with your husband | how to flirt with my husband | flirting with husband | how to flirt with your man | flirt with husband

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  1. You mentioned you had a hand full of movies that make you both smile… what are they? Need some new funny movies to add to our list….

  2. Thank you! I’m so glad that it sounds like you and your husband have a wonderful connection in your marriage! Those “behind the neck kisses” are the best. 🙂

  3. Hi Alicia I stumbled on this today & just love it! My hubby always touches me when we pass each other or when I am busy making breakfast he will comeup from behind & kiss me in the neck. We do most of what u have on your list just have to work on the couples devotions lol but thanks alot

  4. This is a wonderful post for encouraging intimacy with your spouse. It’s the very reason why you are my feature post for the Over the Moon Link Party #15. Congratulations and we’ll see you on Sunday evening at 6 PM. Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. Thanks for sharing in Coffee and Conversation! I used to leave notes in my husband’s lunch box all the time… your post has inspired me to start doing that again. 🙂

  6. Great tips! I love to see if there is new ideas floating around to randy things up around here!

    Congratulations on your win over at the pinterest game!

    The Pinterest Game

  7. Those tips are great. My txt today to my husband was, “we need to do bills tonight” yep that is about it. I will now send him a much better txt. Thanks for the tips. It looks like you are doing great on The Pinterest Game, congrats on the win this week. Thanks for playing.

  8. I believe that flirting with my husband (using many of the techniques you’ve listed) is the one thing that has kept my marriage strong and happy for nearly 14 years.

  9. This list makes me smile. Great suggestions! My husband and I often share a smile from across the room over something one of the kids say, or something on TV that sparks a memory. The best way I have found to flirt with my spouse is to get involved or ask questions about the things he loves. Thank you for sharing with us at Snickerdoodle Sunday! Pinned and tweeted 🙂

  10. I love this list! I love how easy they are to incorporate into any day. The ideas are so small and so easy, but can really make a big difference. I’m already thinking about which ones I can start doing today : )

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