130 Cute Ways to Say I Love You to Your Spouse
Looking to say “I love you” to your spouse in a creative way? Here's a fun list of everyday ways to say I love you to your husband or wife.
There's more than 100 ways to say I love you here (plus a link to Bible verses about love in marriage, and each of them is a great way to flirt with your spouse and keep the spark alive in your marriage.
#1 TIP: Why not study the meaning of God's love (and grow closer as a couple) by going through a love Bible study together?
It's a great way to learn how to love each other in a deeper, more meaningful way.
How to Use this List of Creative Ways to Say I Love You
- Choose 30 things from the list and do 1 thing everyday for the next 30 days.
- Give this list as a gift to a newly married couple.
- Use 3 or 4 of these ideas as a fun Valentine's Day surprise.
Or just write down a few of these ways to say I love you and plan to do a few this week!
P.S. Want a great list of ways to say I love you to your kids too? Don't miss this post.
These little things can make such a big difference in your marriage (they do in mine)!
You're going to love these 130 ways–yes, 130 unique ways!–that you can tell your spouse I love you.
Is This List of Ways to Say I Love You for Men or Women?
Since this site's readership is mainly women, these different ways to say I love you are written as ways to say I love you to your husband.
However, this list of cute ways to say I love you is also excellent for you husbands who wonder how to say I love you to your wife.
For grammar's sake, however, I've written this post as if the ways to say I love you ideas were written for a woman to share with a man.
For example, the ideas are written as “give him a love note” instead of “give him or her a love note” in order to ease readability. I know that if you're a guy reading this than you can make the translation in your head, right? 🙂
All of these ideas may not be the perfect fit for your spouse. But with over 100 ways to say I love you, I can guarantee that you'll find quite a few that your husband or wife would love!
Find what would make your husband or wife feel loved, and do it today!
The Best Way to Say I Love You to Your Spouse
Are you a Christian couple looking to deepen your marriage? If so, I want to make sure that you know about the “I Am Loved”4-week Bible Study that I wrote.
It's a Bible study on love that you can do with or without your spouse.
Why is it so important to first understand God's love for us before we seek to gain love from a spouse?
The best marriages are those couples who understand that their love for either other is sustained by a deep understanding of God's love for them.
I can give you tons of cute ways to say I love you, but truly, the best way to grow closer to your spouse and build a stronger marriage is to learn more about God's love.
And this amazing “I Am Loved” Bible Study is the perfect way to do that.
Sweet Ways to Say I Love You to Your Husband or Wife
1) Post something awesome about him on social media.
2) Fix his favorite dessert (or make something scrumptious from this Pinterest dessert board).
3) Start a “What I love about you” war of notes.
4) Take a fun selfie together.
5) Put a love note in his lunch.
6) Share a favorite family memory together.
7) Share one dream you have for your marriage.
8) Play his favorite song for him.
9) Make/buy his favorite food from childhood.
10) Start a “love journal” (an ongoing journal where you can write messages back and forth).
11) Let him sleep in longer than you.
12) Plan a picnic.
13) Encourage him with a scripture (here are 20 verses on joy).
14) Go on a double (or triple) date.
15) Watch a romantic movie together (here's a list of our favorites).
16) Say something nice about him in front of someone else.
17) Send flowers just because.
18) Clean his car for him unexpectedly.
19) Offer to watch the kids so he can have a night with the guys.
20) Find new ways to flirt (here are 18 ideas!).
21) Offer to share a blanket together and snuggle.
22) Get his morning coffee for him.
23) Secretly hold hands while at dinner.
24) Plan a scavenger-hunt-style date (that takes him to his favorite places).
25) Give him a “love jar” and for 30 days fill it with a note on a piece of paper of what you love about him.
26) Take his clothes to the dry cleaner (or help him fix those clothes that need to be repaired).
27) Replace old photos of the two of you with updated pictures.
28) Text him with your favorite three words to describe him (and include lots of hearts).
29) Massage his feet after a long day.
30) Give him a neck rub.
31) Plan a surprise outdoor date at the start of a new season.
32) While in public, catch his eye and mouth “I love you”.
33) Wink at him from across the room.
34) If he's had a tough day, spray your bed with a mix of lavender and vanilla essential oils to help him get a good night's sleep.
Creative Ways to Say I Love You To Your Husband or Wife
Some of these ways to say I love you are a little out of the box, or perhaps they are perfect if you want to say I love you in a creative, artsy way.
But give them a try! Each of them are such a fun way to share your love and bring a new spice to your relationship!
35) Write “I love you” in pasta noodles on his dinner plate.
36) Help him learn a skill he's been wanting to learn.
37) Give him tickets to his favorite band.
38) Make him a mug that says something you love about him.
39) Take care of a household task he's been dreading (My husband cleaned up our (very messy) guest room last week and I literally cried when I saw it!).
40) Spell “I love you” in alphabet letters (and leave it on the kitchen counter or place where he'll see it)
41) Make a scrapbook of your favorite memories as a couple.
42) Work on a DIY house project together.
43) Get outside and exercise together.
44) Write SHMILY (“See How Much I Love You”) on a fogged up mirror after his shower.
45) Train for a 5K (or other big physical challenge) together.
46) Go to a concert together.
47) Have fun new pictures taken together and create new photo art for your bedroom.
48) Be inspired to love each other better by enjoy an awesome Bible study together about God's love (Get a free sample of this love Bible study here). (TK)
49) If he has a beard, make him an easy DIY Beard Oil.
50) Write him a poem.
51) Make him a homemade lotion to relieve any everyday aches/pains.
52) Surprise him with a playlist of songs you know he'll love.
53) Write “I love you” in dry erase marker on his car rearview mirror.
Romantic Ways to Say I Love You
54) Kiss him unexpectedly.
55) Draw him a hot bath (and maybe join him!).
56) Share a favorite memory from your wedding/honeymoon.
57) Choose to sleep in late.
58) Surprise him by initiating physical contact that leads to making love.
59) Hop in the hot tub together (bathing suits optional!).
60) Run your fingers through his hair.
61) Surprise him with breakfast in bed (with you as the dessert!).
62) Tell him 3 reasons why you chose him to be your husband.
63) Plan a romantic date where you take him to a restaurant you know he'll love.
64) Write a note telling him 3 things you love about him.
65) Tell him he looks sexy in his work clothes.
66) Recreate your first date.
67) Light a candle with a scent he'd love.
68) Create a scavenger hunt with post-it notes (maybe that ends in the bedroom?).
69) Visit the spot where you were married (and a take a photo).
70) Learn massage techniques and give each other a massage.
71) Wear an everyday outfit you know he thinks you look sexy in.
72) Plan a romantic at-home date together.
73) Ask if he'd like to turn in early and spend time alone upstairs together (doing whatever he'd like).
74) Read books together on how to have better sex.
75) Book a marriage retreat together.
76) Spend 2 hours alone in the bedroom together connecting intimately.
77) Buy him his favorite cologne (and let him know how great he smells wearing it!).
78) Take a staycation day together.
79) Walk behind him and playfully grab his bottom.
80) Say yes to making love (on a day when you're too tired).
81) Take a shower together (light a candle or two in there too to be really romantic!).
82) Buy new lingerie and surprise him when you go to bed tonight.
Everyday Ways to Say I Love You to Your Husband (or Wife)
It's the little things in marriage, right? Little marriage habits can make or break our marriage relationships.
One great habit to start together? Daily devotions or Bible study.
And if you want to learn more about love, the “I Am Loved” Bible Study Course is the perfect resource!
83) Go on a walk together.
84) Say I'm sorry.
85) Buy him a special treat at the grocery store.
86) Zoom or use FaceTime when he travels.
87) Compliment him on his outfit.
88) Call him just to say hi.
89) Put your arm around him while driving.
90) Tell him he looks handsome today.
91) Watch his favorite television series together.
92) Make him a snack after a hard day of work.
93) Run an errand for him.
94) Give him an unexpected hug.
95) Say please and thank you.
96) Choose to not get angry (even when you have a “right” to be angry).
97) Take extra good care of him when he's sick.
98) Ask him about his day and really listen.
99) When you want to be angry and upset over his actions, choose to not blame.
100) Let him choose the movie, the TV show, where to eat, etc.
101) Fix his favorite dinner after he's had a tough day.
102) Watch a sports game with him and cheer on his favorite team.
103) Stop expecting him to meet all your needs.
104) Look into his eyes for 10 seconds and smile.
105) Hold hands while watching TV.
106) Massage his muscles after a heavy workout.
107) Laugh and be silly together.
108) Cook something new together.
109) Clean his cell phone screen for him.
110) Choose to not talk badly about him with your friends.
111) Open the door for him.
112) Learn more about how your spouse likes to be loved by reading “The 5 Love Languages” together.
113) Read a book out loud together.
114) Sit outside and share about the day (read about how we love our daily 15 minutes in our porch swing).
115) Offer to drive on a long trip when he's tired.
116) Go on a hike.
117) Share a joke you heard that day.
118) Read a book about growing your marriage and implement the principles yourself.
119) If you typically put the kids to bed together, offer to put the kids to bed by yourself.
120) Pray for him. Speaking of prayer, here are three specific ways to say I love you that involve prayer:
121) Pray for him about ongoing issues about his work.
122) Pray for his sexual purity (and for your physical intimacy to stay healthy and strong).
123) Pray for a strong friendship for your marriage.
124) Watch his favorite movie together.
125) Play a board game or card game together.
126) Choose to let it go (you know what it is!).
127) Forgive him when he says something hurtful.
128) Choose to think the best of him.
129) Share a magazine article or post with him that he'd love.
130) Fill up his gas tank when it's low.
What Is the Best Way to Say I Love You to Your Spouse?
Honestly, my husband and I learned how to better love each other (and to have a stronger marriage) when we understood on a deep, profound level that we are individually loved by God.
When you know–to the core of your being–that God loves you, you are free to love others more fully.
Understanding God's love allows spouses to love unconditionally without expectation.
It frees a spouse to love regardless of another's imperfections.
When God's love fills us up completely, we don't look to our spouse as our sole source of love. Our “love tank” is filled up, and we are able to give love and serve freely in marriage.
That's why I really want to make sure you check out the “I Am Loved” Bible Study Course!
Even if you don't do this Bible study with your spouse, learning about God's love for you will bring blessing and joy to every relationship in your life!
Come on… you've got nothing to lose (and only God's love to gain!).
Other Posts That Encourage Your Marriage
- The 15 Minute Habit That Will Change Your Marriage
- 63 Incredible Resources for Better Sex in Christian Marriage
- 16 Fun & Easy Ways to Flirt with Your Husband Today
- 4 Questions to Ask When Facing Tough Marital Issues
- 54 Romantic Movies to Share With Your Spouse
- 8 Bible Verses about Love in Marriage
- 26 Romantic Love Quotes to Share with Your Spouse
- 8 Conversation Starters for Couples
- Why Christian Marriages Need More Sex than Ever
- The 15 Minute Habit That Will Change Your Marriage
- 26 Ways Busy Parents Can Have More Date Nights
- 7 Best Couples Devotionals to Bless Your Marriage
Hi Anthony! Your Vibrant Family’s main readership is women, so we’ve written this post from a women’s perspective. However, yes, of course, these ideas would work for any gender.
This is nice. However, if it says “spouse” why is everything for “him”? This advice is good for any gender…
Awesome! I’m so glad you found some ideas here to inspire you! Thanks for sharing!
I love everything about this! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂
This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
LOL! Yes, I guess it’s just the “making” part of the breakfast. 🙂 Perhaps it could be better written as “serve” breakfast in bed. No matter how you say it, I agree, it’s fun! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
#28 make breakfast in bed. LOL Not sure how that works, but it sounds like fun
When my husband and I had trouble connecting because of work schedules I found ways to let him know I love him and gave him reasons to want to see me. For instance I would leave a note in his vehicle that would say, “hey Baby, thank you for all your hard work. When we we get some time together, I’m going to give you a massage. ” it works he in time will make time and reciprocate the affection.
Hi there, Raihana. I’m so sorry to hear that things are challenging in your marriage right now! I’ve found that my marriage is continually going through different seasons that require that my husband and I keep in constant contact about our feelings. For example, my husband is currently out of work and so that’s changed our day-to-day roles within our home. I would encourage you to share your thoughts with him about how much you miss him, and also to find ways to understand what he must be going through as well.
I love what am reading nd am gonna use it.i have been trying things with my husband nd it’s not working.He’s been working late for the past week, it wasnt like that at first.now he has no time for me.he comes home late nd leaves early in the morning.i don’t know what to do or how to go about it anymore.please can u help me?
I totally agree. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
Hi Elizabeth! I’m so glad that you’re inspired by these! And YES, there is a list of 130 ways you can show your kids love too! Here’s the link to that:
I’ll also put it at the end of the post for future reference. Thanks!
I can’t read all of these now but I am so excited about this list. I was just writing about how my kids were saying, “Remember when…” and I realized that I have not been making any memories with any of my family, especially since baby #5 has come in the picture, and that includes time with my husband. I really like the idea of printing them out, cutting them up, putting them in a jar and then pulling out one at different times to do that week. I think I will do that! By any chance, have you done anything like this with things you can do with or for your kids? Thought I would ask and thank you again!
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your feedback. This post is written toward women because 95% of the readers of this blog are women, and this post’s intention is to help those women to discover creative ways to encourage and bless their husbands. A wife is called to actively show love to her husband, as a man is to actively show love to his wife. This is not a “pressure” but simply part of that calling to demonstrate love. The purpose of this post is to offer helpful ideas and inspiration for women to love their husbands well. Of course, should a man read this post he could glean ideas too, but if a man is looking for a specific post about how a husband should demonstrate love to his wife, then that might be better found on a blog that is written toward a male audience. Hope that provides some insight!
Can we just take a moment to notice that these are all written in such a way that it appears women should be doing these things for men? Sure, men could take the list and replace ‘him’ with ‘her’, etc., but is this another way that our patriarchal, misogynistic society puts undue expectations and pressures on women to convince men that they are trustworthy and worthy of adoration? Is society asking men to do these same things for their wives/female partners? Is this another example of downplaying a woman’s value,/exaggerating a man’s value which is indoctrinated into the theology of many conservative Christians?
…just asking questions….
Sincerely, a Christian man
I understand your concern, that neither partner should be co-erced into anything. Making love/having sex, or cleaning out the garage due to nagging/guilt. However the bible tells us we should not withhold sex from each other, except for a time of fasting. If the stereotypical “I have a headache”, is happening too often, maybe the woman/man should see a doctor about their libido. (And I’m mid-40’s, just so you know I’m not bringing a youth perspective) And there are seasons of life – with young children, where it’s easy to skip the importance of connecting w/ your spouse… But it’s so necessary to maintain the most important foundation of the family – the marriage. Blessings!
Love is God’s gift
Hi Stephanie! I understand what you’re saying. No one should have to have sex as “evidence” of their love. Agreed. I put it on the list because there are times when maybe we don’t feel into it and yet we know that our spouse would appreciate the connection. I’m not talking about it being forced or a “must do”. Thanks for helping identify that distinction.
While I think that most of of these are loving and thoughtful, my only gripe would be that no one should ever have to make love or say yes to making love when they are tired as evidence of their love. I mean if the person doesn’t mind, go right ahead. This is not be a debbie downer but I think women often times feel as though they just should say yes to sex when they are not feeling good or tired as a testimony of their love, especially if their spouse persists. And that is not right. Again if someone genuinely wants to to because they love them and feel in mood, even tired. More power to them.
Perfect! That’s one of my favorites too. 🙂
“61) Write “I love you” in dry erase marker on his car rearview mirror.”
That’s one of my favorites. I’m going to do it!!
Thanks for this list.
You are blessed.