Yes, You Can Teach Your Child!
Last Updated on June 10, 2017 by Alicia Michelle
At some point in your homeschool journey, I'm guessing you've asked yourself this question: “Can I really teach my child?”
While this is normal, and even appropriate at times (we should self-examine), please know that yes…you are enough. And not just enough, but here are a few compelling reasons why you…yes, you can teach your child the best.
Why You Can Teach Your Child the Best – The Three “Fs”: Familiarity, Freedom & Faith
Who knows your child better than anyone?
Who understands all of your child's quirks, temperament, and insecurities? Who knows how to communicate with your child?
You do.
Now let me ask you: do you think a teacher with 30 students can develop the same closeness, relationship, and familiarity with your child?
Absolutely not. And that's not what they are required to do.
They are not required to get to know your child's personality type. They are not required to know how your child scores on the Multiple Intelligence test. These are tests I am passionate about. And, ironically, many therapists and child development specialists are familiar with these very things. But a public school teacher has a set requirement and a set amount of time and simply cannot overly concern themselves with relationship building, though some of them would like to.
This was very much part of our decision to homeschool.
My Son's Story: I was volunteering in my children's classroom almost daily for two years when I realized that my oldest was growing and changing in interesting ways. His personality was forming and his temperament was changing, and soon I realized that he was displaying symptoms and habits of ADD, like myself.
One day I was walking past his classroom when I could hear his teacher was irate. She was scolding a student, so I popped my head in to see if all was right. It was my son she was scolding and he was at his desk in tears.
After this incident I realized that his quirks and behaviors needed attention, and that if he did indeed have ADD then this was something that needed attention and management. The teacher simply did not have the luxury of stopping class and caring for my child and considering his limitations. Who better to give that loving attention and provide that care and insight than me?
This same year was the year that I sought therapy for my youngest who developed an anxiety disorder. The teacher simply did not have the time or the familiarity to understand, to notice, to eliminate triggers.
So who coaxes her now through panic attacks? I do…I DO.
And so it is the same with you, my friends. No one knows and loves your child like you do.
Homeschooling comes with flexibility.
Now why would you want flexibility? Why not just trust the system?
Let me explain a concept. (It will be a paradigm shift.)
When a public teacher plans her curriculum for the year, she teaches the information. She teaches from the book, the page, the lesson.
When a parent teaches a child at home, their aim is to teach the child. That's right; you are actually teaching the child. This is where your freedom is appreciated.
Because you know your child well, and because you now have the freedom to do so, you can choose books, lessons, and methods that suit your child.
You also have the freedom to take as long as you need to ensure your child understands. You are not rushing to beat the clock.
Plus, you have the freedom to dive deeper into topics that interest your child. This nurtures their love of learning and helps their brain to retain information rather than shove it into short-term memory “for that test”.
Learning does not happen when a child is given boring, repetitive tasks that are shoved down their necks.
In Our School: Having freedom is perhaps my favorite aspect of homeschooling. I get to build a curriculum and create a schedule around our life and our needs. I can change and adapt what I need. When I see that something is not working and needs to be changed, I can adapt.
Already this school year (we are five weeks in) I was able to change my son's math curriculum. I saw that what worked for my daughter was not working for my son. Interestingly, since changing his program he has been flying through his lessons (two a day!) and is eager to do his work first thing in the morning.
When your child is in public school, you and they don't have a say as to what is taught and when. But to homeschool means to create a lifestyle that is tailored to you and your children. That sort of freedom just can't be bought.
Who is responsible for instilling values in your child?
You are. And no doubt, you want to be.
Most families have a set of principles or values that they live by. And many homeschooling families have a faith or religion they teach to their children.
This alone is a solid reason as to why you can teach your child in the best manner.
The bible says in Deuteronomy 6: 6-7 that we must have biblical principles first on our own heart, and then “speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up”. Now considering how long our children are away from us when we send them to public school, we really miss the opportunity to do this as completely as we'd like to.
When we homeschool, it is easier to find the time and to emphasize these principles or values.
There is also the fact that when our children are away from us so long, they may be exposed to things in a way we wish they wouldn't.
Now, I personally do not believe that public school is “the big bad world”. And I am not for sheltering my children.
But I am for exposing my children to things at the right time and in the right way.
A Story from Our Experience: I can remember a few incidents that occurred when my children were in public school. My children were being introduced to things that were way “beyond their years” and quite honestly were just inappropriate. But that was something I could not control.
However, at home in our loving protection and care, I am able to introduce subjects to my children when they are ready, in a mature and informative way, and in a safe setting. And I am able to spend adequate time exposing my children to biblical principles and truths and helping them to cultivate their own relationship with our Heavenly Father.
*It is possible that you are not a student of the Bible, but for sure you have your own belief system and values that you would like to pass on to your child until they are ready to choose their own. It is of tremendous value when you are able to do this for your child and create a home and lifestyle that puts emphasis on those values.
As you can see, there are many reasons why yes, you can teach your child (and why you're an excellent candidate for this job!). Millions of families are doing so…and successfully!
Know this: there is no other teacher in the world that loves your child as much as you, understands your child like you, has the freedom to adapt the curriculum for your child according to their needs, or will teach your children the values and principles and faith that you strive to live by day after day.
You are the best teacher for your child.
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Debbie, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart and prayers go out to you.
But I am so glad that this post encouraged you. (You might be wondering why I’m saying this, but I am actually the guest author who wrote this post.) I just wanted to personally respond to this comment and tell you that though you feel encouraged, I feel encouraged too. Sometimes we write and write not realizing that it really is making a difference. It warms my heart to know my words encouraged someone.
I definitely do pray that your homeschooling journey is a joyous one. You have many women here ready to help! The best to you and yours, Lindsey. XO
Debbie, what a story! Oh my goodness. Thank you for you transparency and honesty. I’m so sorry to hear about your son’s tragic death. Nothing can replace the loss of a child. Nothing. It is beautiful to hear how God has allowed you to carry on with two new blessings. I am praying right now for you that He will give you all you need to homeschool these little ones. Be strong and He will be faithful to show you every day how to individually homeschool these little ones.
if i had only had these encouragements 20 years ago. my eldest son begged me to homeschool him and i didnt know i could. i didnt feel smart enough. He passed away 3 weeks of his 9th grade year. i had horrible ordeals with teachers from grade K through 8th grade. he was a very intelligent child, bored in all his classes. if i would have home schooled him, he would be here with us today. he caught the swine flu in 2009 and within 48 hours we lost him. my husband and i decided to have 2 more children after our sons passing, thanks to God we did because i had my tubes tied 13 years prior to having my youngest 2 children(had a 100% effective tubal reversal). now here we are, 6 years later, after our oldest sons death..starting all over with my daughter aymee( 5yrs old) and isaac(3).. thanks to all the home schoolers for encouragment because i wouldnt have thought i could do it. pray for us as we start our first homeschooling this year. God bless!
LOL! Yep. Love that “what makes you think you’re qualified to teach” line. I’ve heard it many times too… sigh. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Blessings to you as you homeschool your little ones!
Nothing infuriates me more than when teachers say things like “what makes you think your qualified to teach”? Um.. I’m pretty sure I know my child better than anyone else on the PLANET. Don’t tell me what I am or am not qualified to do with MY child! Ohhhhhh it burns me up! Great post. Thank you!
Kristie, yes, I agree we need to focus on the good days! Those bad days do happen, but we can’t let them define our experience. Thanks for stopping by, and for sharing!
Thank you for reminding me of some of the important reasons that we homeschool. We have some tough days, but we have many more good days! And, it is so true that we know our children better than anyone else ever could.