Prayer is powerful! When we pray, we can literally change the world with our words. What an awesome thing to pass on to our kids! How can we teach our kids to pray? It's not as difficult as you may think. You can raise kids who change the world through prayer too!

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  1. What a wonderful article!! With our 3 & 5 year olds I used one of their sand buckets and we filled it 1/2 full with colored pebbles, and write the names of people we are praying for on the wide Popsicle sticks and place them in the pebbles. It’s an interactive way to involve my young kids in prayer time.

  2. Hi Jennifer! Thank you so much! I agree that teaching kids to pray isn’t about removing them from what’s already going in their lives. It’s just teaching them how to invite Him into the conversation. And how awesome that we get to do this in front of them everyday in our own lives! Blessings to you and thanks for sharing!

  3. This is an absolutely beautiful post! Thank you so much for sharing that. It’s really about allowing God and His principles (prayer, grace, faith, etc.) to saturate our DAILY lives right where we are. And to demonstrate this to our kids and to also let them learn this through application. Amen! 🙂 Thank you!

  4. What an encouraging post. So much of what you included are good reminders of ways I need to get involved in prayer, so that I can further encourage my son by example. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. When my children were young, we prayed over everything. When we saw emergency vehicles, we prayed for the people in need. We prayed all the time over meals, and when they were upset. I am so thankful that as adults they still pray and my daughter teaches our grandsons to pray. Consistent, daily, honest prayer is the best way to teach them.

  6. Hey Kayla! YES–I think there are always wonderful opportunities to pray (and to model prayer) to our kids at any given moment! It’s such a great way to live out our faith in practical ways in front of our kids. They begin to learn, “When Mom and Dad are stressed (or if they have a friend that needs help), they pray.” Thank you for stopping by and for encouraging me with your words!

  7. Love this. I think it’s fantastic you seize moments and opportunities to pray with your children. I like to pray with my son so he sees my prayer life and so he grows up to model it as well! Thanks for all your tips and encouragement. Found you on the Faith Filled Parenting Link up.

  8. it’s lovely that your son has turned his life into something God can use and beautiful that you could pray together for that girl. I hope he continues to grow stronger in his faith each day. thanks for sharing at our #OTM link up ~ Leanne 🙂

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