debt cycle | debt relief break cycle | the cycle of debt | cycle debt | comparison | dealing with comparison | saving money


  1. This is a great post, Alicia! It is so easy to get caught up in the comparison trap! When I start down that path, I start thinking about all of the blessings I have – like a wonderful marriage and 3 great kids – nothing can substitute for those kinds of things. Thanks for sharing on Grace and Truth.

  2. Yes, so true. My husband and I struggled at the beginning of marriage until we realized that we couldn’t live the lifestyle that our parents or other older friends/family members had because they were much further ahead on their careers and financial goals than we were. It was an interesting transition that required us to focus on where we were at and be content with that. Thanks for sharing your story here too!

  3. I’m very fortunate to have been given a great foundation in budget stuff from my parents. This is a fabulous post for everyone out there who didn’t get it all from the start! So glad you shared it with us at #FridayFrivolity!

  4. For me, spending is less about keeping up with other people, and more about wanting to provide for my kids. I sometimes have to remember that it’s not the end of the world if they only get one Christmas or birthday present instead of a bunch. Time is more important than money.

  5. Love this. Being married just over a year myself, it’s crazy how fast we get sucked into the comparison trap and start thinking about changing up our budget. This is a great reminder, especially during this time of year!

  6. Hi Amy! First, thank you for your transparency in sharing about this! It is never easy to do so. In terms of how we got out of our 100K in debt… we went through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace course and made some major changes to how we spent our money. I don’t want to give the whole story away (I will be posting about it again soon!) but we sold our (basically new) van to get one that we could buy cash that was 12 years old; we put ourselves on a budget; we sold stuff we didn’t need; we created a plan to get out, etc. I would highly, highly recommend Financial Peace as where to go first. It’s a course you go through not only to learn how to get out of debt but to live differently so that you don’t get into that same situation again. It changed everything for us! Here’s the link to find a class near you and to get the materials: Praying for you right now… I know this is super hard!

  7. i’m not sure if comparison is entirely the culprit for us, but i do admit that we have made many many irrational choices on spending which, at the time, of course seemed very rational. We justified them to ourselves so they made sense, and the biggest thing: did not consult with God in prayer first! But, Alicia, how does knowing this help when we are so deep into this debt cycle also? how do we get out of this viscous cycle. And, how did you get out of your $100,000 worth of debt???? we are so stuck and running out of options except for bankruptcy but don’t know if that’s the smartest choice either.

  8. Awesome to hear, Jaime! Yes, Dave and Rachel’s teachings have changed our family’s life for sure! Congrats on being debt free too!! I’ll be sharing more about our family’s debt struggles and triumphs over the next few months! 🙂

  9. Alicia, I love all things Rachel Cruze and Dave Ramsey! I’m excited about her new book, too. Another debt free mama here! 😉 I’ll look forward to reading your debt free story. xoxo, Jaime

  10. Wow. Alicia very true. Unless we understand the size of our pocket and live by it, the cycle of debt will continue. Big lesson here. Thanks

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