Tired of the arguing with your kids? Done with the fussing over chores? Do you feel like your kids have a sense of entitlement? That was us last year at this time. No matter what consequences we gave, nothing seemed to change. Until we finally realized what was going on…


  1. Hi there! Great questions. My husband and I really only watch TV at night when the kids aren’t around. During this time, we took a period of about 1 month where we completely eliminated TV watching. Then we slowly began working it back into our lives, trying to determine what role we wanted it to play.

    In terms of rationalizing it to the kids, we explained to them that we were also re-examining how we spent our “rest” time and how electronics fit into that. They knew that we removed it for a while and then slowly began adding it back in. It wasn’t an issue for them because our kids understood that the issue wasn’t really one that we the parents were having, but something that they had. We (the parents) decided to re-assess our own screen time use, however, as part of it because we felt it was important.

  2. Were the parents included in the 6 month hiatus from electronics, or only the kids? If you did not eliminate them, how did you rationalize to your children why not? Di you only use them while the kids weren’t around?

  3. Jo, thank you for your encouragement! And I had to literally LOL with your question. 🙂 It was from one of those kid/toy magazines we get at Christmas… the name is escaping me now. If I remember, I’ll let you know!!

  4. Such an important message and beautifully written!

    Completely off subject, but could you tell me who makes that swing in your picture, please? 🙂

  5. This is such a beautiful post. I completely agree that resting has become synonymous with distraction. So removing electronics can definitely be a great starting place. Thanks for linking up with Family Fun Friday!

  6. Hi Lisa! Yep, totally agree. So hard to find the balance on this one, and since technology has changed so much since when we were growing up, we have no precedent for how to handle it. Thankfully, we have God with us to help us determine the best decisions for our family around this issue! Thanks for sharing. I was just thinking about you the other day and hoping that you were well. 🙂

  7. Ah … electronics. The more electronics/media we allow – the worse attitudes are. We do limit them, but the kids never think it’s enough. They cause such a lack of ingratitude. Thanks for this post!

  8. Yes, Rebecca, it’s a challenge, isn’t it?! I totally agree that it starts with us. We have to come to terms with it all first. But I think this also makes it more real with our kids because we too have to live within the tension of not allowing electronics to steal our rest. Appreciate your comments!

  9. That is a beautiful post! I can totally relate to this and I honestly think it starts with me. I blog, I take pictures, I’m modeling the use of electronics all day!

  10. Thank you so much, Erin! Appreciate it! I feel like rest is one of those things that we all have to kind of figure out individually. Hard and fast rules tend to just make rest forced instead of it being another expression of our lives. 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

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