Feeling Stuck? 3 Steps to Renewing Your Mind & Finding Joy
Feeling stuck in life lately? Like you can't seem to find the happiness and joy you're looking for? Just like we need to declutter our homes, we must regularly declutter our thoughts and renew our minds with God's joyful truth (such as those found in Bible verses about joy).
This post will show you a simple, biblical way to do that!
Decluttering my thoughts and replacing them with God's truth has been an incredible way for me to bring clarity and focus to my life. It's perfect for those times when I'm feeling stuck in marriage, or when I'm just feeling stuck in life.
I want to teach you a simple three-step process to renew your thoughts so that you can stop feeling stuck and you can instead discover a more joyful life!
Why Decluttering Isn't Just for Your Home (& Is Perfect for When You're Feeling Stuck)
She handed me the book and I rolled my eyes. “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up?” I said, with more than a little disdain in my voice.
“Yes!” my mom cried, chuckling a little. “I'm telling you, it's an incredible book! It's really brought me so much joy.”
This got my attention. Joy? That was something I'd been really lacking lately.
Although I was a Christian, lately I'd been feeling stuck in life and joy was something I really needed. Desperately.
After glancing through the book I became convinced that the book's decluttering tips were a perfect analogy for why I needed to “declutter” the negative thoughts in my heart–part of why I was feeling stuck in life lately.
The book's author suggests getting rid of any item in a home that no longer brings joy (you know, like that green and orange polka-dotted shirt your Aunt Gertrude bought you last Christmas).
That concept seems obvious when talking about clothes and housewares that are no longer needed.
But what if we took this concept and applied to it those everyday thoughts that fill our minds–like worries, past hurts and other things that steal our joy?
I looked closer at this analogy and realized that, in fact, it was a biblical principle. Decluttering our thoughts and renewing our minds when we're feeling stuck is something God has already outlined in scripture (more on that in a minute)!
What Thoughts Clutter Up Our Hearts & Keep Us from True Joy?
What thought patterns or mindsets do you need to “declutter”? What negative thoughts and half-truths are currently bouncing around in your brain?
If you're like me, worries, anxieties and past hurts keep you bogged down. These are the things that keep us feeling stuck–whether we're feeling stuck in marriage, feeling stuck in our careers or feeling stuck in life overall.
Worst of all, these limiting, false truths keep us pinned down and trapped. They keep us from growing in God, and therefore, from living the joyful, vibrant life God plans for each one of us (John 10:10).
What if we were able to get rid of those as easily as we were able to ditch that green and orange polka-dotted shirt?
Of course that's easier said that done. We can't just stop thinking those thoughts.
But, as a daughter of God, there is a better way. We can find freedom from those thoughts that keep us stuck in our unhappy lives.
Let's talk about a three-step approach (based on the truths of scripture) to getting “unstuck” from worries and negative thought patterns so we can find freedom and joy.
Feeling Stuck in Life? Take This First Step to Freedom and Joy
Thankfully, God wants to teach us about real joy–specifically how to remove the clutter that may be in our hearts that keeps us from living that truly happy life He has for us.
That starts with being real about the questions we have in our lives that keep us from joy.
You know, lovely questions like these that keep us tied up in knots and feeling stuck:
- “Why is God allowing us to deal with this ongoing issue?”
- “Why won't my kids just learn this lesson?”
- “Why won't my husband change?”
- “Why won't God heal me from this chronic pain?”
- “Why does life always feel hard?”
What questions continually roll around in your mind and steal your joy?
Write them down. Get them out on paper. That's the very first step.
It can be so helpful to see these questions for what they are. Somehow when they're on paper they feel more real, more valid, don't they?
Take 15-20 minutes and just write down everything you're feeling. All the anger and frustration–everything about how you're feeling stuck in life.
Step 2: Prayerfully Release Your “Feeling Stuck” Emotions
Next, take those feelings to God and ask Him to help you sort them out.
You don't have to have the answers to the questions.
Instead, I would encourage you to acknowledge that they're there (that was step one); and now, prayerfully let them go to God. Let Him show you how to untangle all those knots.
What does that mean, in a practical sense?
It means applying the truths of Philippians 4:6-9. Let's look at the first part of this well-known verse:
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 4:6-7
Once you've sorted through the questions and emotions, tell God about what you're experiencing. Share your hurts and frustrations with Him, and then believe that He not only hears you but that He wants to help you find healing.
Thank him for what He has done in the past, and show Him that you believe He will work in this situation too by thanking Him in advance for it (verse 6).
This simple acknowledge, release and trust will bring the peace described in verse 7.
This is a peace that doesn't need explaining because it's a supernatural gift that God gives in these in-between moments as He is helping us find our way out of feeling stuck.
Step 3: Renew Your “Feeling Stuck” Thoughts and Replace Them with God's Joyful Truth
Many of us are good at Steps 1 and 2. We write down our thoughts and questions, and then release them to God.
And then, unfortunately, all too soon we find ourselves right back where we started (feeling stuck and overwhelmed by our emotions).
Why does this happen? I believe it's because we don't replace those “feeling stuck” thoughts (you know, the ones that we just released to God?) with God's truth!
We can't have new thought patterns unless we are actively replacing the old thoughts with what God says is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable.
Don't miss this!
Check out what Philippians 4:8-9 says:
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” –Philippians 4:8-9
We must meditate on God's truth–especially as it relates to joy–in order to renew our thoughts and to fill our minds.
We can't just read a few Bible verses here and there and expect them to change us… unless we are systematically and regularly applying these truths to our lives.
We need a plan to fill our minds with His joy, right?
Free 3-Day Bible Study to Help You Grow Closer to God
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Feeling Stuck Today? Take the Next Step to Change Your Life with a Free Bible Study
If you're tired of feeling stuck and want real change:
- First, you have to be willing to honestly own the negative feelings and questions that fill your thoughts;
- Second, you need to prayerfully release those “feeling stuck” emotions to God; and
- Third, you need to replace the negative thoughts (all those places that you're stuck) with God's perfect, life-changing truth about joy.
When you're feeling stuck, God has to change you from the inside out… but you have to start the process.
Friend, you have to take action.
You can't just read a post like this and move on. You need to decide that you're tired of feeling stuck and unhappy.
You need to decide that TODAY is the day you let healing begin!
Can I encourage you to get started? You won't regret it!
Take 15-20 minutes to explore and release all that you're feeling.
And then GET STARTED on YOUR journey to joy with this free life-changing Bible study to learn how to create a consistent time of connection with God!
Day by day this incredible Bible study will transform your thoughts by making these Bible verses about joy real and relevant to YOUR circumstances.
If you're ready for spiritual renewal (and a whole lot more happy in your life!) don't wait one more second!
Check out the free 3-Day “How to Grow Closer to God” Bible study and get started NOW!
Candice, it truly, truly is! I really think this is secret behind this method. It’s reason why it’s so freeing!
Ooo I might need to pick this book up. The thought of Does this bring me joy ? is ground breaking..
Hi Ann! You’re totally describing me too. I think I thought that I was being practical or wise by holding on to certain things. But really, after going through this process, I realized that unless it was something like an important home document, etc, then it really was just adding to my load instead of bringing me joy. Love to hear more of your thoughts as you embark on this journey!
I have been putting off reading this book… but I’m beginning to feel like I can’t do so any longer! I don’t have that much trouble getting rid of stuff, but I do still hang onto things that don’t bring me joy. I think I’m trying to be practical, or something… but your widening our view to the bigger picture is a wonderful application! Gonna have to ponder that one awhile! Thanks for linking up at Frugal Friday! 🙂
Yes… “sluggishness” is an excellent way to describe it, Jennifer. I honestly didn’t think I had an issue with clutter or that I needed to do any tidying up–at ALL. But it was such a good thing to go through the process. It just brought clarity in so many places, and inspired me to surround myself with things that bring JOY, not that deplete. I look forward to hearing your “decluttering tales” too, friend! 🙂 Hugs to you.
This post offers such a practical encouragement, Alicia. I’ve been feeling the same kind of sluggishness you describe, though I’ve chalked it up to the “winter blues” I endure each year. But your experience has prompted me to realize that – although it could be much worse – we’ve gathered quite a bit of clutter recently due to a family transition and the ensuing “survival mode.” Long story short, I’ll be devoting small, regular chunks of time to decluttering, A.S.A.P.! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing with us at Grace & Truth!
Karen, I too tend to get stressed when I see the clutter around me. But it’s that closet (or drawer) clutter that can build up and we don’t even notice for a while! And yes, I’m telling you–her thoughts about asking ourselves if it still brings me joy are groundbreaking. Seriously. I’m actually excited about continuing to purge my house because I’m motivated by the concept of stripping off all that’s unnecessary and that doesn’t bring us joy. Thanks again for sharing, and we hope to see you again!
Shellie, yes, I’d agree! And I’ve found that when we begin the process of purging things physically, it often prompts big changes inside. It can be a difficult thing, but also very, very freeing! I’m glad the post encouraged you! Thanks for sharing your story.
I am someone who gets stressed with clutter. I tend to get rid of things very easily. However, like everyone, when I don’t see the clutter, I end up saving – like in my closets.
I really liked the idea of asking myself if something still brings me joy, but even moreso the idea of passing the joy on to someone else.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Such a timely post as we continue into the new year. I think the emotional and daily routine tidying up is sometimes harder for me than the literal tidying up of the house and things. I’ve been thinking on the things I need to edit from my life and schedule in order to allow more time for the things that are most important to me right now, as well as some serious purging of things in my home. LoL! Sounds like I might be doing some clean out this weekend! 🙂 Thank you for the post.
Awesome! I hope the post helps you in your tidying efforts! Happy New Year!
Great post! I know I need to tidy up!
Leanne! Your comment literally made me LOL! It’s funny that you mention that top. I held that one up and took of picture of it as I was tidying up, but then realized after I took it that I loved that shirt and it for sure brought me joy (so I wasn’t getting rid of it). I thought, “hmmm… maybe I should take a picture of a really ugly shirt so that people would think, ‘yes, for sure get rid of that one!'” Sounds like we have the same taste in clothes. 🙂 If it ever stops giving me joy, you got it girl–I’ll be glad to post it to you. LOL Anyway, yes, thanks for coming back! I’m excited to share more insights and how it applies to 2016!
Hi Alicia – I’m a big fan of keeping things simple – but “stuff” does tend to accumulate no matter how minimal we try to keep things. I’m so glad you found a way to tackle it all (btw I really liked that purple top in the picture – can you post it to Australia?) I’m coming back to see how you apply it to 2016! Thanks for sharing on our #OTM link up #3 ~ 🙂 Leanne
Hi Regina!! I’m so glad to hear that you’ve experienced this same freedom that comes from tidying up! It really can change everything–from everyday habits to our inner thoughts to our perspectives! And YES, I’m finishing up that post today and excited to share it! Merry Christmas to you as well! 🙂
I could not agree with you and this book more. This is a similar approach that I take to cleaning out. The cleaning “up” part is something else entirely, though. LOL! I am really interesting in reading your next post. I cannot wait to hear those revelations and your plan for next year. Sounds inspiring! Thank you for sharing this. Merry Christmas!